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f# 中的discriminated unions (pure) 是如何实现的

[英]how is discriminated unions (pure) implemented in f#

I wonder if they are simply using a number to represent each cases, or they will be compiled to control flows (if statements) that helps decide the matter我想知道他们是否只是简单地使用一个数字来表示每个案例,或者它们将被编译以控制有助于决定问题的流程(if 语句)

pure means the cases aren't of any data types pure 表示案例不是任何数据类型

I tried looking for answers on stack overflow but I didn't find any我尝试寻找有关堆栈溢出的答案,但没有找到任何答案

In general yes, each case is a number (called Tag in the implementation).一般来说是的,每个案例都是一个数字(在实现中称为标签)。 It's easy to figure out how some things are realized in F# by decompiling F# assembly to C#.通过将F#汇编反编译为C#,很容易搞清楚F#中有些东西是如何实现的。


Union type defined like this:联合类型定义如下:

type UnionType = This | That of int

Decompiles to C# like this (I cut out interface implementations at the bottom as it is pretty lengthy, you can easily repeat this process yourself):像这样反编译成C#(我在底部删掉了接口实现,因为它很长,你可以很容易地自己重复这个过程):

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public abstract class UnionType : IEquatable<UnionType>, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable<UnionType>, IComparable, IStructuralComparable
    public static class Tags
        public const int This = 0;

        public const int That = 1;

    internal class _This : UnionType
        internal _This()

    public class That : UnionType
        [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
        internal readonly int item;

        [CompilationMapping(SourceConstructFlags.Field, 1, 0)]
        public int Item
                return item;

        internal That(int item)
            this.item = item;

    internal class _This@DebugTypeProxy
        [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
        internal _This _obj;

        public _This@DebugTypeProxy(_This obj)
            _obj = obj;

    internal class That@DebugTypeProxy
        [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
        internal That _obj;

        [CompilationMapping(SourceConstructFlags.Field, 1, 0)]
        public int Item
                return _obj.item;

        public That@DebugTypeProxy(That obj)
            _obj = obj;

    [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
    internal static readonly UnionType _unique_This = new _This();

    [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
    public int Tag
            return (this is That) ? 1 : 0;

    [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
    public static UnionType This
        [CompilationMapping(SourceConstructFlags.UnionCase, 0)]
            return _unique_This;

    [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
    public bool IsThis
            return this is _This;

    [DebuggerBrowsable(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
    public bool IsThat
            return this is That;

    internal UnionType()

    [CompilationMapping(SourceConstructFlags.UnionCase, 1)]
    public static UnionType NewThat(int item)
        return new That(item);

    /* cut out members including interface implementations */


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