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将 PSModulePath 变量设置为 Linux - PowerShell 7

[英]Set the PSModulePath variable on Linux - PowerShell 7

I am trying to update the PSModulePath variable on Linux (CentOS 7.9).我正在尝试更新 Linux (CentOS 7.9) 上的 PSModulePath 变量。 I have tried:我试过了:

# Check current path(s)

# Update the variable
$env:PSModulePath += ":/opt/MyModules"
# Confirm the update

All working OK.一切正常。 Now I try to relaunch PowerShell:现在我尝试重新启动 PowerShell:


The setting does not persist.该设置不会保留。 How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Using: PowerShell 7使用:PowerShell 7

Linux CentOS 7.9 Linux CentOS 7.9

Assigning to $env:PSModulePath sets the process -scoped copy of the PSModulePath environment variable, which is by definition not persisted;分配给$env:PSModulePath设置PSModulePath环境变量的process -scoped 副本,根据定义,它是持久的; it disappears when the process terminates.它在进程终止时消失。

To make persistent changes, you have two options:要进行持久更改,您有两种选择:

  • Use your system's features for defining persistent environment variables.使用系统的功能来定义持久环境变量。

  • Add the modification statement to your PowerShell $PROFILE file (there are multiple profiles, based on whether they apply to all vs. the current user, and all vs. specific PowerShell host environments).将修改语句添加到您的 PowerShell $PROFILE文件(有多个配置文件,基于它们是否适用于所有与当前用户,以及所有与特定 PowerShell 主机环境)。

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