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ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption 不再工作

[英]ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption does not work anymore


We are using Fastlane to distribute our builds.我们正在使用Fastlane来分发我们的构建。 In order to avoid the manual agreement to the export compliance, we have set the following key in our info.plist :为了避免手动同意出口合规性,我们在info.plist中设置了以下键:


Out of the blue, this stopped working.出乎意料的是,这停止了工作。 Also, the encryption pop-up has changed.此外,加密弹出窗口也发生了变化。 Is there a new key that has to be added or has something else changed?是否有必须添加的新密钥或有其他更改? Couldn't find any information.找不到任何信息。


Ok, it is unbelievably stupid.好吧,这是令人难以置信的愚蠢。 I edited the entry in my info.plist , but I had to edit it directly via XCode in the Generals tab.我编辑了我的info.plist中的条目,但我必须通过Generals选项卡中的 XCode 直接编辑它。 Seems like the version in XCode is the one which is really used and at some point in the build process being generated from the original info.plist .似乎 XCode 中的版本是真正使用的版本,并且在构建过程中的某个时刻是从原始info.plist生成的。

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