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USB 主机 bulkTransfer 返回有效数据量,但我没有得到任何回复

[英]USB host bulkTransfer returns valid amount of data but I don't get anything back

I have an external camera that's connected via a USB C dongle to my Android tablet.我有一个外部摄像头,它通过 USB C 加密狗连接到我的 Android 平板电脑。 My goal is to have a constant stream of data from the camera into my phone, showing it to the user and allowing him to record it and save it to the local storage.我的目标是将摄像头中的 stream 数据持续发送到我的手机中,将其显示给用户并允许他记录并保存到本地存储。

I am following the official docs from the following link - https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/usb/host#working-d我正在关注以下链接中的官方文档 - https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/usb/host#working-d

And I have spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out how things work, mapping the interfaces and endpoints, eventually finding an interface that has an endpoint that when I call bulkTransfer() on, does not return a failed value (-1).我花了最后几个小时试图弄清楚事情是如何工作的,映射接口和端点,最终找到一个接口,它有一个端点,当我调用bulkTransfer()时,不会返回失败值 (-1) .

I currently am facing 2 issues:我目前面临两个问题:

  1. I have indeed got a valid response from the bulkTransfer() function, but my ByteArray does not fill with relevant information - when trying to print out the values they are all 0's.我确实从bulkTransfer() function 得到了有效的响应,但是我的 ByteArray 没有填充相关信息——当试图打印出它们都是 0 的值时。 I though it may be a wrong endpoint as suggested in the official docs, but I have tried all combinations of interfaces and endpoints until I get an indexOutOfBoundException.我虽然这可能是官方文档中建议的错误端点,但我已经尝试了接口和端点的所有组合,直到我得到 indexOutOfBoundException。 That combination of interface + endpoint that I used is the only one that produced a valid bulk response.我使用的接口 + 端点的组合是唯一产生有效批量响应的组合。 What am I missing?我错过了什么?

  2. I am looking for a stream of data that doesn't stop, but it seems like when calling bulkTransfer() it's one a one time oppression, unlike CameraX library for example that I get a constant callback each time a new chunck of data is available.我正在寻找一个不会停止的 stream 数据,但在调用bulkTransfer()时它似乎是一次性的,不像 CameraX 库,例如每次有新的数据块可用时我都会得到一个持续的回调.

Here is the code on my main screen -这是我主屏幕上的代码 -

 LaunchedEffect(key1 = true) {
        val usbManager = context.getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE) as UsbManager
        val filter = IntentFilter(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION)
        registerReceiver(context, UsbBroadcastReceiver(), filter, RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED)
        val hdCamera = usbManager.deviceList.values.find { device ->
            val name = device.productName ?: return@LaunchedEffect
            name.contains("HD camera")
        } ?: return@LaunchedEffect
        val permissionIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(
            0, Intent(ACTION_USB_PERMISSION),
        usbManager.requestPermission(hdCamera, permissionIntent)

And here is my BroadcastReceiver -这是我的 BroadcastReceiver -

override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
        if (intent?.action != ACTION_USB_PERMISSION) return
        synchronized(this) {
            val usbManager = context?.getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE) as UsbManager
            val device: UsbDevice? = intent.getParcelable(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE)

            val usbInterface = device?.getInterface(0)
            val endpoint = usbInterface?.getEndpoint(1) ?: return@synchronized
            usbManager.openDevice(device)?.apply {
                val array = ByteArray(endpoint.maxPacketSize)
                claimInterface(usbInterface, true)
                val bulkTransfer = bulkTransfer(endpoint, array, array.size, 0)
                Log.d("defaultAppDebuger", "bulk array: $bulkTransfer") //prints a valid number - 512
                array.forEach {
                    Log.d("defaultAppDebuger", "bulk array: $it") //the array values are empty

edit: I have tried to move the BroadcastReceiver code to an async coroutine thinking that the loading of the information is related to the fact that I am in the wrong thread.编辑:我试图将 BroadcastReceiver 代码移动到异步协程,认为信息的加载与我在错误的线程中有关。 Still didn't work, I get a valid result from the bulkTransfer and the byteArray is not filled -仍然没有用,我从 bulkTransfer 得到了一个有效结果并且 byteArray 没有被填充 -

fun BroadcastReceiver.goAsync(
    context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO,
    block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
) {
    val pendingResult = goAsync()
    CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob()).launch(context) {
        try {
        } finally {

 override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) = goAsync { .... }


After carefully researching I was not able to get an answer and ditched that mini project that I worked on.在仔细研究后,我无法得到答案并放弃了我从事的那个迷你项目。 I followed this comment on the following thread -我在以下线程中关注了此评论 -

https://stackoverflow.com/a/68120774/8943516 https://stackoverflow.com/a/68120774/8943516

That, combined with a 2.5 days of deep researched of both USB Host protocol which was not able to connect to my camera and Camera2API which couldn't recognize my external camera brought me to a dead end.结合 2.5 天对无法连接到我的相机的 USB 主机协议和无法识别我的外部相机的 Camera2API 的深入研究,我陷入了死胡同。

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