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[英]will not generate barcode

I was trying to create a bar code generator in python using a fairly simple code.我试图使用相当简单的代码在 python 中创建一个条形码生成器。 I am new to some this module and am a bit rusty to python so I was wondering what causes an error in the code我是这个模块的新手,对 python 有点生疏,所以我想知道是什么导致了代码错误

#imports the correct module needed to create the barcodes 
from barcode import EAN13
# imports a module that will create the numbers needed for the barcode
from random import randint

codes = []
barcodes = []
for i in range(100):
    code = randint(1111111111111, 9999999999999)
    while code not in codes:

# creates the barcode object   
for code in codes: 
    barcode = EAN13("{codes}")

# prints the barcode

Error caused
will not generate any barcodes because the number cant be saved as a string

i want this to be able to display barcodes

You can use the ImageWriter to save as png files.您可以使用 ImageWriter 将其另存为 png 文件。 Import and use when creating the barcode.创建条形码时导入和使用。

from barcode import EAN13
from random import randint
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter

codes = []
barcodes = []
for i in range(100):
    code = randint(1111111111111, 9999999999999)
    while code not in codes:

# creates the barcode object
for code in codes:
    code = str(code)
    # barcode = EAN13(code)
    barcode = EAN13(code, writer=ImageWriter())

# render the first barcode in the list
# barcodes[0].render()

for bc in barcodes:

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