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TinyMCE 高级插件错误

[英]TinyMCE Premium Plugin Errors

I just started getting a ton of errors today on my website using TinyMCE. 21 total alerts popping up on this one page, 3 times which has 3 tinymce forms on it.我今天刚开始在我的网站上使用 TinyMCE 出现大量错误。这一页上弹出总共 21 个警报,3 次其中有 3 个 tinymce forms。


Any help with removing the alerts would be greatly appreciated.非常感谢任何有关删除警报的帮助。

looked through the javascript and plugins list, but don't see how to remove these premium plugins.查看了 javascript 和插件列表,但看不到如何删除这些高级插件。

All of the plugins listed in your screenshot are commercial plugins that require a paid subscription to use via tiny.cloud.屏幕截图中列出的所有插件都是商业插件,需要付费订阅才能通过 tiny.cloud 使用。

If you do not have a paid plan you will need to remove these specific plugins from the plugins option in your TinyMCE configuration.如果您没有付费计划,则需要从 TinyMCE 配置中的plugins选项中删除这些特定插件。 The configuration should look something like this:配置应如下所示:

    selector: "textarea",
    plugins: [
        "advlist", "anchor", "autolink", "charmap", "code", 
        "help", "image", "insertdatetime", "link", "lists", "media", 
        "preview", "searchreplace", "table", "visualblocks", 

...just make sure the plugins option does not include any of these commercial plugins and the errors will no longer show. ...只需确保plugins选项不包含任何这些商业插件,错误将不再显示。

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