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[英]How do you flag cells by comparing values in another column with the same 'ID' column?

I have a sample table like this:我有一个这样的示例表:



I wanted to flag if there is an increase in Output of the same ID compared to the previous Date.我想标记相同 ID 的 Output 与上一个日期相比是否有所增加。 Note that the data is only sorted by Date .请注意,数据仅按日期排序

Expected output: output预计 output: output


I've been trying to find the correct formula so that it only compares between current output with previous output of the same ID in previous date with INDEX-MATCH functions and had no luck.我一直在尝试找到正确的公式,以便它只比较当前 output 与之前日期相同 ID 的 output与 INDEX-MATCH 函数之间的比较,但没有运气。 Thank you for your assistance.谢谢您的帮助。

=IF(AND(D2>INDEX($D$2:$D$9, MATCH(C2,$C$2:$C$9,0)-1), C2=INDEX($C$2:$C$9, MATCH(B2,$B$2:$B$9,0)-1)), "Flag", "")

Try the following formula-试试下面的公式-



The following is an array approach.以下是数组方法。 In cell D2 use the following formula:在单元格D2中使用以下公式:

=LET(A, A2:A9, B, B2:B9, C, C2:C9, MAP(A, B,C, LAMBDA(aa,bb,cc, LET(
  f, FILTER(C, (B=bb) * (A < aa),""), IF(OR(@f="", TAKE(f,-1)>=cc),"", "Flag")))))

Here is the output:这是 output: excel输出

On each MAP iteration we filter Output column ( C ) by ID ( B ) equals to bb and only previous dates.在每次MAP迭代中,我们通过等于bbID ( B ) 过滤Output列 ( C ) 并且仅过滤之前的日期。 To select filtered the output ( f ) that corresponds to previous date we use: TAKE(f,-1) , ie select the last filtered row (data is sorted by date in ascending order).对于 select 过滤了对应于上一个日期的 output ( f ) 我们使用: TAKE(f,-1) ,即 select 最后过滤的行(数据按日期升序排列)。 Then we check for empty condition: the filter result is empty ( @f="" ), ie no result returned under filter condition or the output is not ascending.然后我们检查空条件:过滤结果为空( @f="" ),即过滤条件下没有返回结果或者output没有升序。


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