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ngx-charts 自定义工具提示

[英]ngx-charts custom tooltip

I'm trying to add a custom tooltip to heatmap cells in ngx-charts-heat-map .我正在尝试向ngx-charts-heat-map中的热图单元格添加自定义工具提示。 However, the data I want to show is neither the series, nor the value, nor the name.但是,我要显示的数据既不是系列,也不是值,也不是名称。 It's coming from the source data object, but a different property that's available to me while populating each cell in each series.它来自源数据 object,但在填充每个系列中的每个单元格时我可以使用不同的属性。

I'm aware of tooltipTemplate and I'm already using that, but how can I access data in there that's not the value, name or series?我知道tooltipTemplate并且我已经在使用它,但是我如何访问其中不是值、名称或系列的数据?

Update This is in my html:更新这是在我的 html 中:

            <ng-template #tooltipTemplate let-model="model">

In my ts:在我的 ts 中:

  showLabels = true;
  animations = true;
  xAxis = true;
  yAxis = true;
  showYAxisLabel = true;
  showXAxisLabel = true;
  tooltipDisabled = false;
  xAxisLabel = "Environment";
  yAxisLabel = "Framework";
  rotateXAxisTicks = true;
  trimXAxisTicks = false;
  trimYAxisTicks = false;
  showLegend = true;
  colourScheme = {
    domain: ["#C91414", "#E3071D", "#FF7E01", "#FFBE00", "#75AD6F", "#1D7044"],

  heatmap = [

          name: f.name,
          value: f.value,
          tooltipText: `${ f.percentage }% - ${ f.number } foo`

On the frontend however, when rendering {{model|json}} there is only series , name and value , no tooltipText .然而在前端,渲染{{model|json}}时只有seriesnamevalue ,没有tooltipText
Looking at https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-charts/blob/master/projects/swimlane/ngx-charts/src/lib/heat-map/heat-map-cell-series.component.ts#L78 I'm not sure how to get the tooltip to display the tooltipText .看着https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-charts/blob/master/projects/swimlane/ngx-charts/src/lib/heat-map/heat-map-cell-series.component.ts#L78我我不确定如何让工具提示显示工具提示tooltipText

I actually worked it out I'm ecstatic.我真的解决了我欣喜若狂。



  tooltipText(data): string {
    return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))).cell.tooltipText;

Making sure that each series has a custom tooltipText set, this then shows a heatmap with custom tooltip:确保每个系列都有一个自定义工具提示tooltipText集,然后显示带有自定义工具提示的热图: 带有自定义工具提示的热图

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