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无法使用 Firebase 托管 API 创建自定义域

[英]Unable to create a custom domain using Firebase Hosting API

I'm trying to automate custom domain creation process in Firebase Hosting, I am using Go library, but it doesn't work, I am also happy to know about plain REST alternative.我正在尝试在 Firebase 托管中自动执行自定义域创建过程,我正在使用 Go 库,但它不起作用,我也很高兴知道普通 REST 替代方案。 I always get this error:我总是收到此错误:

googleapi: Error 400: Domain test1.example.com not associated with project, failedPrecondition exit status 1 googleapi:错误 400:域test1.example.com未与项目关联,failedPrecondition 退出状态 1

firebase, _ := firebasehosting.NewService(context.Background())

domain := &firebasehosting.Domain{
    DomainName: "test1.example.com",
    Site:       "dashboard-v1-staging",

createCall := firebase.Projects.Sites.Domains.Create("projects/ID/sites/ID", domain)
_, err = createCall.Do()
if err != nil && !googleapi.IsNotModified(err) {

I found out that API can't do that yet, and Firebase team is working on that.我发现 API 还不能做到这一点,而 Firebase 团队正在努力。 It was confirmed in the ticket I submitted on Github - https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-go-client/issues/1798我在 Github - https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-go-client/issues/1798提交的工单中确认了这一点

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