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如何使用自定义 UI 将 auth0 用户注册到 flutter 应用程序?

[英]How to signup auth0 users to flutter app using custom UI?

I want to add auth0 authentication to my flutter app but when I checked their docs and searched everywhere they show their auth0 ui but I want to use my custom UI for authentication.我想向我的 flutter 应用程序添加 auth0 身份验证,但是当我检查他们的文档并到处搜索时,他们显示了他们的 auth0 ui,但我想使用我的自定义 UI 进行身份验证。 I have a express backend with auth0 how can I authenticate or signup user using the express server.我有一个带有 auth0 的快速后端,我如何使用快速服务器对用户进行身份验证或注册。

I tried reading their docs but in the docs they show authentication only for login but I want to create user using my flutter frontend using my own custom UI我尝试阅读他们的文档,但在文档中他们只显示登录身份验证,但我想使用我自己的自定义 UI 使用我的 flutter 前端创建用户

You can try this package,你可以试试这个package,


https://pub.dev/packages/auth0/versions/2.2.0-beta1 https://pub.dev/packages/auth0/versions/2.2.0-beta1

This package is based on Auth0 REST APIs.这个 package 基于 Auth0 REST API。 You will able to build custom UIs using it.您将能够使用它构建自定义 UI。


You can make use of Auth0 REST APIs.您可以使用 Auth0 REST API。


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