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在 Visual Studio Code for MacOS 上设置 Grails / Groovy Server Pages 项目

[英]Setting up a Grails / Groovy Server Pages project on Visual Studio Code for MacOS

I have some HTML/CSS changes I need to make on an existing project for a client.我需要为客户对现有项目进行一些 HTML/CSS 更改。 I already cloned the repository on my machine but I'm not really sure how to set it up to view the changes locally.我已经在我的机器上克隆了存储库,但我不太确定如何设置它以在本地查看更改。

I'm seeing lots of files with the.gsp extension and after some googling I discovered those files mean this is a Grails/Groovy Server Pages project, which I have zero experience with (I'm a Front End Developer btw)我看到很多带有 .gsp 扩展名的文件,经过一些谷歌搜索后,我发现这些文件意味着这是一个 Grails/Groovy Server Pages 项目,我对它的经验为零(顺便说一句,我是前端开发人员)

I already located all the HTML/CSS code I need to change, so what I need to do is learn the basic commands to get the project running locally so I can view the changes after I make them before pushing to the actual repo.我已经找到了我需要更改的所有 HTML/CSS 代码,所以我需要做的是学习使项目在本地运行的基本命令,这样我就可以在推送到实际的 repo 之前查看所做的更改。

Anybody has an idea on how to set these kinds of GSP projects up on Visual Studio Code for MacOS?有人知道如何在 Visual Studio Code for MacOS 上设置这些类型的 GSP 项目吗?

Any help would be very much appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激!

I think the easiest approach for you would be to start Grails separately using the command prompt.我认为最简单的方法是使用命令提示符单独启动 Grails。 Identify the version of Grails for your project, and follow the instructions from Grails to setup the dev environment.为您的项目确定 Grails 的版本,并按照 Grails 中的说明设置开发环境。

Also, remember you probably also have some sort of database to install and initialize.另外,请记住您可能还需要安装和初始化某种数据库。

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