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[英]How to add click event to a dynamically created anchor tag in angular.js?

My requirement is to first convert a part of plain text to a link and then attach a click handler to it.我的要求是首先将纯文本的一部分转换为链接,然后为其附加点击处理程序。 On click of that link, a popup should open with some details to show.单击该链接时,应打开一个弹出窗口,其中显示一些详细信息。

To convert that normal string to a link, I've used below code, but I'm unable to attach a click event listener to it.为了将该普通字符串转换为链接,我使用了以下代码,但我无法为其附加点击事件侦听器。

   const arrayLabel = text.split('$');
   let stylizedText = arrayLabel[0];
   stylizedText += `<a id="anchorId" style="text-decoration: none;" href="javascript:void(0)">${arrayLabel[1]}</a> `;
   stylizedText += arrayLabel[2];
   return stylizedText;

I tried to add (click)="myMethod" and document.getElementById('anchorId").addEventListener('click','myMethod') ,but both approaches failed. Can anyone please help here?我尝试添加(click)="myMethod"document.getElementById('anchorId").addEventListener('click','myMethod') ,但这两种方法都失败了。有人可以帮忙吗?

I figured out the solution for this using ngAfterViewInit in angular.我在 angular 中使用 ngAfterViewInit 找到了解决方案。

  public ngAfterViewInit() {
    const anchor = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('#anchorId');
    if (anchor) {
      anchor.addEventListener('click', () => {
           // Do your task

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