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.NET Core 6-通过全局声明的HtmlEncode响应字符串

[英].NET Core 6- HtmlEncode response string through global declaration

While returning Json Response from .NET Core 6 Web APIs, I want to encode all strings with WebUtility.HtmlEncode .从 .NET Core 6 Web API 返回Json Response 时,我想使用WebUtility.HtmlEncode对所有字符串进行编码。 As of now, I am writing this line for each string and I just came across this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44117929/3234665 .截至目前,我正在为每个字符串编写这一行,我刚刚看到这个链接: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44117929/3234665

Is there anyway we can declare this at some central/ global level (ie Attribute, Program.cs etc?) to reduce repetitive lines everywhere?无论如何,我们是否可以在某些中央/全局级别(即属性、Program.cs 等?)声明它以减少各处的重复行?

For globally add the custom ContractResolver ,you need add the configuration in your Program.cs like below:要全局添加自定义ContractResolver ,您需要在 Program.cs 中添加配置,如下所示:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


//add this service to container...
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings
    ContractResolver = new CustomResolver(),
    Formatting= Formatting.Indented,
    DefaultValueHandling= DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,  //add this

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