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如何使用绝对路径将 CSS 正确插入 HTML 以使来自 CSS 的图片工作?

[英]How to correctly plug CSS into HTML with absolute path to make picture from CSS working?

It might sound silly, but I am trying to understand this.这听起来可能很愚蠢,但我正在努力理解这一点。

When I plugged CSS with absolute path - picture/fonts are not loading (404).当我用绝对路径插入 CSS 时 - 图片/字体未加载 (404)。

I test a page on the built-in WebStorm server (2022.3) through Chrome browser.我通过 Chrome 浏览器在内置的 WebStorm 服务器 (2022.3) 上测试了一个页面。

[i just heard absolute paths are better, that is why] [我只是听说绝对路径更好,这就是原因]

What did I miss?我错过了什么?

Here is an example:这是一个例子:

file structure文件结构


index.html index.html

<!doctype html>
<html lang="ru">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/folder/css/styles.css">
  <div class="has-bg"></div>

styles.css styles.css

.has-bg {
  background: url("/folder/img/some.jpg");

It works when I do relative: <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">当我做相对时它有效: <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">

Also, the <img> from index.html are loaded with absolute paths, so I was expecting it to work from css also.此外,来自index.html<img>加载了绝对路径,所以我希望它也可以从 css 开始工作。

Actually /folder/css/styles.css also is kinda a relative path.实际上/folder/css/styles.css也是一个相对路径。 If you are using Windows, some full absolute path should be something like: C:/Folder/image.jpg .如果您使用的是 Windows,一些完整的绝对路径应该类似于: C:/Folder/image.jpg

You're doing this just for studies purpose?你这样做只是为了学习? If yes, I don't think you need to be worry about this.如果是,我认为您不必为此担心。

If you're gonna deploy it in some server, then you gonna have a full absolute path looking something like: https://website.com/images/image.jpg and then you can correctly use the absolute path as something like BASE_PATH/image/image.jpg where BASE_PATH is some variable with the full website link.如果您要将其部署在某个服务器中,那么您将拥有一个完整的绝对路径,如下所示: https://website.com/images/image.jpg然后您可以正确使用绝对路径,如BASE_PATH/image/image.jpg其中BASE_PATH是一些带有完整网站链接的变量。

Another approach is to set the base in the <head> of your html like this另一种方法是像这样在 html 的<head>中设置基数

<base href="https://www.example.com/">

Then all relative url's in your page will be preceded with this url.然后您页面中的所有相对 url 都将以这个 url 开头。


will become会变成


I've tied to replicate your folder structure and both relative and absolute paths worked for me.我已绑定复制您的文件夹结构,相对路径和绝对路径都对我有用。

You need to give the div with class "has-bg" a height, however, in order to see the background image.但是,您需要为带有 class“has-bg”的 div 指定一个高度,以便看到背景图像。 Perhaps you forgot to do this for the absolute paths?也许您忘记为绝对路径执行此操作?

Relative paths相对路径

in index.html:在 index.html 中:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./folder/css/styles.css" />

in styles.css:在 styles.css 中:

background: url("../img/some.jpg");

Absolute paths绝对路径

in index.html:在 index.html 中:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/folder/css/styles.css" />

in styles.css:在 styles.css 中:

background: url("/folder/img/some.jpg");

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