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未全局安装时使用 firebase cli

[英]Using firebase cli when not installed globally

I'm using my work computer while developing a sort of side project.我在开发一种副项目时正在使用我的工作计算机。 Nothing crazy just learning some new firebase stuff.学习一些新的 firebase 东西没什么疯狂的。 Anyways, because it is a work computer I can't install modules globally.无论如何,因为它是一台工作计算机,所以我无法在全球范围内安装模块。 So when it came to installing firebase-cli I tried using the recommended global command:因此,在安装 firebase-cli 时,我尝试使用推荐的全局命令:

npm install -g firebase-tools

That didn't work because I don't have permission due to this being a work computer.那没有用,因为我没有权限,因为这是一台工作计算机。 So I created a firebase folder just for this project and ran所以我为这个项目创建了一个 firebase 文件夹并运行

npm install firebase-tools

In the new folder.在新文件夹中。 Once finished I tried running完成后我尝试运行

firebase -version

But this resulted in但这导致

firebase: command not found

I thought this would work since I'm in the directory I created and installed firebase in but it doesn't work.我认为这会起作用,因为我在我创建并安装 firebase 的目录中,但它不起作用。 Any help please!请帮忙!

If you want to run any command from a package that was installed in a project, use npm exec from the project folder.如果要从安装在项目中的 package 运行任何命令,请使用项目文件夹中的npm exec

npm exec -- firebase [CLI args]

The version command you were trying to run would go like this (note it's two dashes for the flag)您尝试运行的版本命令将像这样 go (请注意,标志是两个破折号)

npm exec -- firebase --version

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