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RK1。 匿名内部 class 和 lambda 表达式中“this”关键字的行为是什么

[英]RK1. what is the behavior of "this" key word in Anonymous inner class and lambda expression

public interface Interf  {
    public void m1();


public class Test2 {
    int x = 10;

    public void m2() {
        Interf interf = new Interf() {

            int x = 20;

            public void m1() {


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test2 aTest2 = new Test2();
        aTest2.m2();//....................................what will get..?


public class Test3 {
    int x=10;
    public void m2() {
        Interf interf=()->{
            int x=20;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test3 a=new Test3();


**->**Anonymous inner class this key word always refers current class inside local variable. **->**Anonymous inner class 这个关键字总是引用局部变量中当前的class。 **->**Lambda expression refers current class instance variable instead of local variable **->**Lambda 表达式引用当前 class 实例变量而不是局部变量

**-> Anonymous inner class this key word always refers current class inside local variable. **-> Anonymous inner class 这个关键字总是引用局部变量中的current class。 **-> Lambda expression refers current class instance variable instead of local variable **-> Lambda 表达式引用当前 class 实例变量而不是局部变量

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