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有没有办法在新的 Spring 授权服务器 0.3.0 中从 API 端点注册新客户端?

[英]Is there any way to register new client from API endpoint in new Spring Authorization Server 0.3.0?

We have implemented new spring authorization server from https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-authorization-server我们从https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-authorization-server实现了新的 spring 授权服务器

We have registered few default clients in configuration file.我们在配置文件中注册了几个默认客户端。 But now we want to add new clients while this application running on.但是现在我们想在这个应用程序运行时添加新的客户端。 Is there any open API endpoint specified for this?是否为此指定了任何开放的 API 端点? ( There is client registration endpoint for oidc client, but we are not using oidc and anyways it generates client id by itself which we don't want) (有 oidc 客户端的客户端注册端点,但我们没有使用 oidc,无论如何它自己生成我们不想要的客户端 ID)

Any hint is appreciated任何提示表示赞赏

The only endpoint provided for registering new clients is the OpenID Connect 1.0 Client Registration Endpoint .为注册新客户端提供的唯一端点是OpenID Connect 1.0 客户端注册端点

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