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C# FluentValidation 未被触发

[英]C# FluentValidation not getting triggered

I have a class library with DTOs.我有一个带有 DTO 的 class 库。 For this DTOs I want to use FluentValidation to ensure that the inputs from the user are correct.对于这个 DTO,我想使用 FluentValidation 来确保用户的输入是正确的。

Example: I have a DTO named AddValidationDTO in my class library示例:我的 class 库中有一个名为 AddValidationDTO 的 DTO

namespace MYCoolProjApi.Model.DTOs.Validation {
    public class AddWstValidationDTO
       public string? Name { get; set; }
       public string? Regex { get; set; }
       public string? AddedOrEditedBy { get; set; }

    public class AddValidationDTOValidator : AbstractValidator<AddValidationDTO>
       public WstAddValidationDTOValidator()
          RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Validation Name can't be null");
          RuleFor(x => x.Regex).NotNull().NotEmpty().WithMessage("Regex can't be null");

In my main project which is an ASP.NET Web Api I installed the FluentAPI Nuget package too and added this code to my Program.cs:在我的主项目 ASP.NET Web Api 中,我也安装了 FluentAPI Nuget package 并将此代码添加到我的 Program.cs 中:


When I send a request to the enpoint where a new Validation should be created with a faulty DTO I don't get an error and it gets saved to the database.当我向应该使用错误 DTO 创建新验证的 enpoint 发送请求时,我没有收到错误并将其保存到数据库中。 This is the JSON which I send to the controller:这是我发送到 controller 的 JSON:

    "Name": "",
    "AddedOrEditedBy": "MyUser"


public async Task<IActionResult> AddValidation([FromBody] AddValidationDTO validationDTO)
    await _validationService.AddValidation(validationDTO);
    return Ok();
public IActionResult Create(ValidationDto dto) 
  if(! ModelState.IsValid) 
    // re-render the view when validation failed.

 //do valid stuff
  return RedirectToAction("Index");

You add new class like:您添加新的 class,例如:

public class ValidationActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            if (context.ModelState.IsValid)
                //Do something you want

and then add attribute to your action然后将属性添加到您的操作

public IActionResult Create(ValidationDto dto) 

Remember to register this if you are using DI如果你使用 DI,记得注册这个

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