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如何在 React Native 中测试图像源

[英]How to test image source in react native

my test result is number 1 instead of the name of the icon.我的测试结果是数字 1 而不是图标的名称。 Do you know how can I test the image source?你知道我怎样才能测试图像源吗?


    source={buttonVisibility ? arrowRight : arrowDown}
    style={{ width: 20, height: 20 }}

My test:我的测试:

  it('icon should be arrowRight', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<DetailsPageLastPosition bike={bike} buttonVisibility={true} />);
    expect(wrapper.find({ testID: 'image-source' }).props().source).toEqual('arrowRight');

Test result:测试结果:

● DetailsPageLastPosition component › icon should be arrowRight

   expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

   Expected: "arrowRight"
   Received: 1

      73 |   it('icon should be arrowRight', () => {
      74 |     const wrapper = shallow(<DetailsPageLastPosition bike={bike} buttonVisibility={true} />);
    > 75 |     expect(wrapper.find({ testID: 'image-source' }).props().source).toEqual('arrowRight');
         |                                                                     ^
      76 |   });
      77 | });
      78 |

Local image assets always resolve to a number ( see here in the docs ).本地图像资产始终解析为数字(请参阅文档中的此处)。 One easy way around this would be to dynamically assign a test ID based on your conditional.解决此问题的一种简单方法是根据您的条件动态分配测试 ID。

    source={buttonVisibility ? arrowRight : arrowDown}
    style={{ width: 20, height: 20 }}
    testID={`image-source-${buttonVisibilty ? 'arrowRight' : 'arrowDown'}`}

// in test

expect(wrapper.find({ testID: 'image-source-arrowRight' }) // etc

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