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Function 没有进入第二个 if 块

[英]Function doesn't make it to the second if block

I want to read multiple lines from the stdin, unfortunately my code doesn't get past the first if block no matter which option I choose.我想从 stdin 读取多行,不幸的是,无论我选择哪个选项,我的代码都不会通过第一个 if 块。

const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,
function clientOpener(){
  rl.question("Choose a number:\n1)Start a bowling game\n2)Exit simulation\n", function (startGame) {
    const y = "1";
    const n = "2";
    if(y === startGame){
      (async () => {
        const playerCount = await rl.question("Ok how many players will there be (MAX: 8 players)\n");
        const parsedInput = parseInt(playerCount);
        if (parsedInput > 0 && parsedInput <= 8) {
            let listOfNames = [];
            for (let i=0; i<parsedInput; i++) {
                const name = await rl.question(`Enter name #${i}\n`);
                console.log(`Added ${name} to list of players\n`);
    else if(n === startGame){
      console.log("Ending interface");
    else {
      console.log("Please enter a valid option");

Console output (same output happens for else if and else options):控制台 output(同样的 output 发生在 else if 和 else 选项上):

1)Start a bowling game
2)Exit simulation
*console unresponsive*

There are a few things that are going wrong in your attempt.您的尝试中有几处出错了。 One thing that is problematic is the fact that you are trying to use readlines question with await for which you need the readline/promises package that comes built-in with NodeJS.有问题的一件事是,您正在尝试将 readlines question与 await 一起使用,为此您需要 NodeJS 内置的 readline/promises package。 The code below uses the asynchronous version of readline and seems to be doing what you intended.下面的代码使用了 readline 的异步版本,并且似乎在做你想要的。

const process = require("process");
const readline = require("readline/promises");

const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,

async function clientOpener(){
  let startGame = await rl.question("Choose a number:\n1)Start a bowling game\n2)Exit simulation\n");
  const y = "1";
  const n = "2";
  if(y === startGame){
    let playerCount = await rl.question("Ok how many players will there be (MAX: 8 players)\n");
    const parsedInput = parseInt(playerCount);
    if (parsedInput > 0 && parsedInput <= 8) {
      let listOfNames = [];
      for (let i=0; i<parsedInput; i++) {
        let name = await rl.question(`Enter name #${i}\n`);
        console.log(`Added ${name} to list of players\n`);
  else if(n === startGame) {
    console.log("Ending interface");
  } else {
    console.log("Please enter a valid option");


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