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解决 UWP 应用程序中的 AdControl.network 错误 80072EE7

[英]Troubleshooting AdControl network error 80072EE7 in UWP application

I am experiencing an issue with AdControl in my UWP application.我在 UWP 应用程序中遇到 AdControl 问题。 When I try to display a test ad, I get a.network error with error code 80072EE7.当我尝试展示测试广告时,出现错误代码为 80072EE7 的网络错误。 What could be causing this issue, and how can I fix it?"是什么导致了这个问题,我该如何解决?”

I have verified that the device running the application has an active inte.net connection, and I have correctly initialized the AdControl component and set the Application Id and Ad Unit Id.我已验证运行该应用程序的设备具有活动的 inte.net 连接,并且我已正确初始化 AdControl 组件并设置应用程序 ID 和广告单元 ID。 I have also configured the necessary capabilities in the package manifest file.我还在 package 清单文件中配置了必要的功能。

I have to say that the Microsoft Ad M.netization platform has already been shut down since June 1, 2020 .不得不说,Microsoft Ad M.net化平台从2020年6月1日起就已经关闭了。 So, you can't use the AdControl to connect to the Ad M.netization platform anymore.因此,您不能再使用AdControl 连接到Ad M.netization 平台。

Here is the announcement: Microsoft Ad M.netization platform shut down as of June 1st .公告如下: Microsoft Ad M.netization 平台将于 6 月 1 日关闭

There is also a warning in the document mentioned about this: AdControl in XAML and .NET关于这个提到的文档中也有警告: AdControl in XAML and .NET

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