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如何在 PowerShell Method-Chaining 中使用换行符

[英]How to use line breaks in PowerShell Method-Chaining

I am trying to use a Retry Service that is written in the fluent-api pattern.我正在尝试使用以 fluent-api 模式编写的重试服务。 The methods return the service and allow a chaining of methods.这些方法返回服务并允许方法链接。 However even though i am using --> ` <-- i see a lot of errors as shown below.然而,即使我正在使用 --> ` <-- 我也看到了很多错误,如下所示。 在此处输入图像描述

Is there any workaround or other possibility to not write everything into one line?是否有任何解决方法或其他可能性不将所有内容写入一行? (I already checked the methods names and return types) (我已经检查了方法名称和返回类型)

(Entry point of RetryService) (重试服务的入口点) 在此处输入图像描述

Unfortunately about_Methods doesn't seem to have a clarification on method chaining and its parsing rules.不幸的是, about_Methods似乎没有对方法链及其解析规则进行澄清。 If you want to chain multiple methods on new lines, the dot .如果你想在新行上链接多个方法,点. has to be at the end of each statement then a newline is allowed.必须在每个语句的末尾,然后允许换行。 The backticks are not needed .不需要反引号

In example:例如:

    AddScript({ "hello $args" }).

Another way to chain method calls is to use the ForEach-Object command (alias % ).链接方法调用的另一种方法是使用ForEach-Object命令(别名% )。 This relies on the parameter set with the -MemberName parameter (implicitly by passing a string as the 1st argument).这依赖于使用-MemberName参数设置的参数(通过将字符串作为第一个参数隐式传递)。

PowerShell 7+ even lets you write the pipe symbol | PowerShell 7+甚至可以让您编写 pipe 符号| on a new line:在新的一行:

    |% AddScript { "hello $args" }
    |% AddArgument 'world'
    |% Invoke

If there are multiple method arguments, you have to separate them by , (parentheses are unnecessary).如果有多个方法arguments,则必须用,分隔(不需要括号)。

For PS 5 and below you have to use a slightly different syntax because the pipe symbol has to be on the same line as the previous command:对于PS 5 及以下版本,您必须使用略有不同的语法,因为 pipe 符号必须与上一个命令位于同一行:

[powershell]::Create() |
    % AddScript { "hello $args" } |
    % AddArgument 'world' |
    % Invoke

Is this a better way than using member access operator .这是比使用成员访问运算符更好的方法吗. ? I don't think so, it's just a different way.我不这么认为,这只是一种不同的方式。 IMO it does look more consistent compared to regular PowerShell commands. IMO 与常规 PowerShell 命令相比,它看起来确实更一致。 Performance might be even worse than .性能可能比. but for high level code it propably doesn't matter (I haven't measured).但对于高级代码,它可能无关紧要(我没有测量过)。

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