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CSS 如何计算“width: max-content”的translateX值?

[英]CSS How to calculate the translateX value of "width: max-content"?

How should I calculate the translateX() value when using width: max-content ?使用width: max-content时应该如何计算translateX()值? I want the text to fully scroll out of the container.我希望文本完全滚出容器。

@keyframes scroll_text {
    0% {
        transform: translateX(0)
    100% {
        transform: translateX(??)

div.container {
    margin: 2rem;
    padding-block: 1em
    background-color: black
    overflow: hidden

div.container p {
    line-height: 1em
    width: max-content
    position: relative
    left: 100%
    animation: scroll_text 15s linear infinite

This is what ended up working for me (via Typescript).这就是最终为我工作的(通过 Typescript)。 Thank you @Paulie_D.谢谢@Paulie_D。

let scroll_container: HTMLDivElement | undefined
let scroll_text: HTMLParagraphElement | undefined

const width = {
    container: (scroll_container as HTMLDivElement).clientWidth,
    text: (scroll_text as HTMLParagraphElement).offsetWidth,

    (width.container + width.text) * -1 + 'px'

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