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如何在 PostgreSQL 中发出通知?

[英]How to RAISE NOTICE in PostgreSQL?

I'm using pgAdmin, and I want to have a simple raise notice;我正在使用 pgAdmin,我想要一个简单的加薪通知; referring to this , I entered RAISE NOTICE 'note';参考这个,我输入了RAISE NOTICE 'note'; and got this error:并得到这个错误:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "RAISE"

The only way I could manage to get an output was by using this (which I don't understand well either):我设法获得 output 的唯一方法是使用这个(我也不太明白):

DO $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

And got this output:得到这个 output:

NOTICE:  note

Could someone please explain this?有人可以解释一下吗?

RAISE is a PL/pgSQL command and can only be used inside PL/pgSQL. RAISE是一个PL/pgSQL命令,只能在 PL/pgSQL 内部使用。 The DO command creates an anonymous PL/pgSQL block (something like a "temporary procedure") and therefor you can use RAISE inside that PL/pgSQL code. DO命令创建一个匿名的 PL/pgSQL 块(类似于“临时过程”),因此您可以在该 PL/pgSQL 代码中使用 RAISE。

RAISE can not be used in plain SQL , that's why you get the error RAISE不能用于普通SQL ,这就是你得到错误的原因

Wrap RAISE into a procedureRAISE包装到一个过程中

create procedure raise_notice (s text) language plpgsql as 
    raise notice '%', s;

and call it in SQL并在 SQL 中调用它

call raise_notice('note');

For PG version before 11 create a function that returns void with the same body and select from it in SQL对于 11 之前的 PG 版本,创建一个 function,它returns void ,并在select中从它返回 select

select raise_notice('note');

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