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mui 对话框未正确关闭

[英]mui Dialog not closing properly

I have a problem with a dialog not closing properly.我有一个对话框没有正确关闭的问题。 Dialog open is set to a state variable intialized as true, and immediately changed to false. Dialog open 设置为 state 变量初始化为 true,并立即更改为 false。 The dialog doesn't close properly, and the app does not respond.对话框没有正确关闭,应用程序没有响应。

I have demonstrated this in the following sandbox where the button can not be clicked, though it should be available.我已经在下面的沙箱中演示了这一点,其中按钮无法单击,但它应该可用。

EDIT: To make clear.编辑:明确。 The dialog is not supposed to ever open.该对话框不应该打开。 But the button outside the dialog (with the text "a button") should be clickable.但是对话框外的按钮(带有文本“a button”)应该是可点击的。

https://codesandbox.io/s/adoring-benji-300mcm https://codesandbox.io/s/adoring-benji-300mcm

This code will work:此代码将起作用:

export default function App() {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);


  return (
      <Dialog open={open} height="100px" width="100px" id="111">
        <button onClick={() => setOpen(false)}>close</button>
      <button onClick={() => console.log("click")}>a button</button>

You don't need the useEffect to change state immediately, you could just pass false as a desired initial value to the state. Now the button "a button" is working.您不需要 useEffect 立即更改 state,您可以将 false 作为所需的初始值传递给 state。现在按钮“一个按钮”正在工作。

EDIT : To make the code working without removing useEffect, add conditional rendering:编辑:要使代码在不删除 useEffect 的情况下工作,请添加条件渲染:

export default function App() {

const [open, setOpen] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => setOpen(false), []);

  return (
      {open && (
        <Dialog open={open} height="100px" width="100px" id="111">
          <button onClick={() => setOpen(false)}>close</button>
      <button onClick={() => console.log("click")}>a button</button>

My best guess is that in your code the Dialogue gets rendered anyways, even though it is not displayed, because at first "open" was true.我最好的猜测是,在你的代码中,对话无论如何都会被渲染,即使它没有显示,因为起初“打开”是真的。 So in order for it not to be rendered, or to be rendered conditionally, you should check state.所以为了让它不被渲染,或者有条件地渲染,你应该检查state。

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