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[英]How can I format the date coming from the server to date format of client machine?

I'm using react.js to my web page, and I want to know how to get the server's date and put it according the client's country format.我在我的 web 页面上使用 react.js,我想知道如何获取服务器的日期并根据客户端的国家/地区格式放置它。

Example: birthday at server: 2002-22-12 birthday the way that I want, if the client is brazilian: 22/12/2002示例:服务器生日:2002-22-12 我想要的生日,如果客户是巴西人:22/12/2002


I have seen other questions about date, but they just get the real date and format it.我看过其他关于日期的问题,但他们只是获取真实日期并对其进行格式化。 I need to get it from the API/backend.我需要从 API/后端获取它。

When it comes to working with dates on client-side (no matter which framework I use) - I always use moment.js package https://momentjs.com/在客户端处理日期时(无论我使用哪种框架)——我总是使用 moment.js package https://momentjs.com/

That's pure-js library with 0 dependencies, so it's able to work with any front-end technology on one hand, and it's easy to achieve any date-related operation with small amount of code on the other hand, fe那是0依赖的纯js库,所以一方面可以和任何前端技术对接,另一方面可以用少量的代码轻松实现任何日期相关的操作,fe

moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');

For your specific case to format date in current locale format you just have to do following:对于以当前语言环境格式格式化日期的特定情况,您只需执行以下操作:

let date = Date.now();
let dateMoment = moment(date);
console.log(dateMoment.format('L')); // 01/06/2023

If you'd like to have all your dates formatted in non-current locale, please change it explicitly, I referenced this article Locale detection with Moment.js :如果您想将所有日期格式化为非当前语言环境,请明确更改它,我参考了这篇文章Locale detection with Moment.js


let yourDateVariable = Date.now();
let yourDateMoment = moment(yourDateVariable);

console.log(yourDateMoment.format()); // ٢٠٢٣-٠١-٠٦T١٦:٣٤:١٩+٠٣:٠٠

Finally, to get current browser locale (if needed), please try following:最后,要获取当前浏览器区域设置(如果需要),请尝试以下操作:

var locale = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language;

Initiallly, It's a best practice to get dates from server in ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ .最初,最佳做法是以 ISO-8601 格式YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ从服务器获取日期。 That helps us handle dates in a better way.这有助于我们更好地处理日期。

Nowadays, the native Intl API has a good browser support and we can use it easily to achieve that:现在,原生的Intl API有很好的浏览器支持,我们可以很容易地使用它来实现:

const dateInIsoFormatFromServer = "2022-06-03T19:38:34.203Z";
const date = new Date(dateInIsoFormatFromServer);

const formatter1 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US");
console.log("Format for United States locale: ", formatter1.format(date));
// Format for United States locale:  6/3/2022 

const formatter2 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("pt-BR");
console.log("Format for Brasil locale: ", formatter2.format(date));
// Format for Brasil locale:  03/06/2022 

const formatter3 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("es-AR");
console.log("Format for Argentina locale: ", formatter3.format(date));
// Format for Argentina locale:  3/6/2022 

Locale string here could be sent from server to set in Intl.DateTimeFormat method.此处的区域设置字符串可以从服务器发送到Intl.DateTimeFormat方法中进行设置。 However, you could get the locale from user browser with navigator object and dinamically set that locale to formatter:但是,您可以使用导航器 object 从用户浏览器获取区域设置,并将该区域设置动态地设置为格式化程序:

const dateInIsoFormatFromServer = "2022-06-03T19:38:34.203Z";
const date = new Date(dateInIsoFormatFromServer);

const browserLocale =
  window.navigator.language || window.navigator.browserLanguage;

const formatter1 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(browserLocale);
console.log("Format for browser locale: ", formatter1.format(date));
// Format for browser locale:  03/06/2022 
// * My browserLocale is pt-BR

if necessary, you can set options to customize the format output:如有必要,您可以设置选项来自定义格式 output:

const dateInIsoFormatFromServer = "2022-06-03T19:38:34.203Z";
const date = new Date(dateInIsoFormatFromServer);

const browserLocale =
  window.navigator.language || window.navigator.browserLanguage;

const options = {
  year: "numeric",
  month: "numeric",
  day: "numeric",
  hour: "numeric",
  minute: "numeric",
  second: "numeric",
  hour12: false
const formatter1 = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(browserLocale, options);
console.log("Format for browser locale with options: ", formatter1.format(date));
// Format for browser locale with options:  03/06/2022 12:38:34 
// * My browserLocale is pt-BR

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