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使用带有一个大于号和两个大于号的 echo 的区别

[英]Difference between using echo with one greater than sign and two greater than signs

I am reading the Kafka documentation .我正在阅读 Kafka文档 In step 6 of 1.3, there's the following code:在1.3的第6步中,有如下代码:

> echo foo> test.txt
> echo bar>> test.txt

I would like to ask what is the difference between using one greater than sign and two greater than signs.请问用一个大于号和两个大于号有什么区别。 Thanks.谢谢。

  • the former recreate the file on each invocation前者在每次调用时重新创建文件
  • the later append to file.后面的append来归档。 Create the file the first time if not exists如果文件不存在则第一次创建


man bash | less +/'Redirecting Output'

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