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RSpec - 重新运行也被标记的失败测试?

[英]RSpec - Rerun failed tests that are also tagged?

We have written a large number of selenium UI tests that very occasionally fail due to dumb reasons like a web server being too slow.我们已经编写了大量的 selenium UI 测试,这些测试偶尔会因为 web 服务器太慢等愚蠢原因而失败。 Additionally, we make heavy use of rspec tags to only run the tests that we want to run.此外,我们大量使用 rspec 标签来只运行我们想要运行的测试。 We want to retry ONLY the tests that are tagged with something AND that have previously failed.我们只想重试标记有某些内容且之前失败的测试。 In the following example, running rspec --tag all --only_failures runs the last two tests, when I only want it to run the 2nd test.在下面的示例中,运行rspec --tag all --only_failures运行最后两个测试,而我只希望它运行第二个测试。

spec_helper.rb spec_helper.rb

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.example_status_persistence_file_path = "RunResults.txt"


require 'rspec'
require 'spec_helper'
require './test'

RSpec.describe Test do
    it "should pass", :all, :one do
        expect(1).to eql(1)

    it "should fail", :all, :two do
        expect(1).to eql(2)

    it "should fail", :three do
        expect(1).to eql(2)


example_id               | status | run_time        |
------------------------ | ------ | --------------- |
./spec/test_spec.rb[1:1] | passed | 0.00055 seconds |
./spec/test_spec.rb[1:2] | failed | 0.01796 seconds |
./spec/test_spec.rb[1:3] | failed | 0.00017 seconds |

RSpec RSpec

$ rspec --tag all --only_failures
Run options: include {:all=>true, :last_run_status=>"failed"}


  1) Test should fail
     Failure/Error: expect(1).to eql(2)
       expected: 2
            got: 1
       (compared using eql?)
     # ./spec/test_spec.rb:11:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) Test should fail
     Failure/Error: expect(1).to eql(2)
       expected: 2
            got: 1
       (compared using eql?)
     # ./spec/test_spec.rb:15:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.01949 seconds (files took 0.24733 seconds to load)
3 examples, 2 failures

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/test_spec.rb:10 # Test should fail
rspec ./spec/test_spec.rb:14 # Test should fail

When you run:当你运行时:

rspec --tag all --only_failures

all three tests get selected: 3 examples, 2 failures .所有三个测试都被选中: 3 examples, 2 failures So it's running failed tests + tests tagged all .所以它正在运行失败的测试+标记为all的测试。

I hope I didn't miss an obvious command for doing this.我希望我没有错过执行此操作的明显命令。 Best I could come up is a little monkey patch to save tags into rspec persistence file:我能想到的最好的办法是将标签保存到rspec持久性文件中的小猴子补丁:

config.example_status_persistence_file_path = "tmp/spec_persistence.txt"
require "rspec"
require "spec_helper"

# NOTE: override the way persistence file is saved;
#       just put this somewhere appropriate
module RSpec
  module Core
    class ExampleStatusPersister
      def statuses_from_this_run
        @examples.map do |ex|
          result = ex.execution_result

          # NOTE: collect all the tags;
          #       maybe there is a better way, i haven't searched too hard
          tags = ex.metadata.except(*[:block, :description_args, :description, :full_description, :described_class, :file_path, :line_number, :location, :absolute_file_path, :rerun_file_path, :scoped_id, :execution_result, :example_group, :shared_group_inclusion_backtrace, :last_run_status])

            :example_id => ex.id,
            :status     => result.status ? result.status.to_s : Configuration::UNKNOWN_STATUS,
            :run_time   => result.run_time ? Formatters::Helpers.format_duration(result.run_time) : "",

            # NOTE: save tags for reference later
            :tags       => tags.keys.join(","),

RSpec.describe "Test" do
  it("1 should pass", :all, :one) { expect(1).to eql(1) }
  it("2 should fail", :all, :two) { expect(1).to eql(2) }
  it("3 should fail", :three)     { expect(1).to eql(2) }

https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/blob/v3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/example_status_persister.rb#L46 https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/blob/v3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/example_status_persister.rb#L46

When you run tests now, all tags are saved into persistence file:当您现在运行测试时,所有标签都保存到持久性文件中:

$ cat tmp/spec_persistence.txt 
example_id         | status | run_time        | tags    |
------------------ | ------ | --------------- | ------- |
./spec/one.rb[1:1] | passed | 0.00075 seconds | one,all |
./spec/one.rb[1:2] | failed | 0.01538 seconds | two,all |
./spec/one.rb[1:3] | failed | 0.00021 seconds | three   |

This is a quick script to select the appropriate tests:这是对 select 进行适当测试的快速脚本:

# ./rspec_runner

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "rspec"

tag = ARGV[0]

# https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/blob/v3.12.0/lib/rspec/core/example_status_persister.rb#L8
results = RSpec::Core::ExampleStatusPersister.load_from("tmp/spec_persistence.txt")

filtered = results.filter_map do |result|
  result[:example_id] if result[:status] == "failed" && result[:tags].split(",").include?(tag)

if filtered.empty?
  puts "No failed tests found for tag: #{tag}"
  puts "Running failed tests with tag: #{tag}"
  puts "rspec #{filtered.join(' ')}"

  # NOTE: run tests by example_id
  system "rspec #{filtered.join(' ')}"


$ ./rspec_runner all
Running failed tests with tag: all
rspec ./spec/one.rb[1:2]

Run options: include {:ids=>{"./spec/one.rb"=>["1:2"]}}
# ...
1 example, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/one.rb:31 # Test 2 should fail
$ ./rspec_runner one
No failed tests found for tag: one

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