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什么是 msnodesqlv8 到 node-mssql?

[英]What is msnodesqlv8 to node-mssql?

What is the relationship between https://www.npmjs.com/package/msnodesqlv8 and https://www.npmjs.com/package/mssql ? https://www.npmjs.com/package/msnodesqlv8https://www.npmjs.com/package/mssql之间有什么关系?

The documentation is confusing and I can interpret it a few different ways.文档很混乱,我可以用几种不同的方式来解释它。

msnodesqlv8 msnodesqlv8

This library has full compatibility with MS SQL Server using an MS ODBC driver.该库与使用 MS ODBC 驱动程序的 MS SQL 服务器完全兼容。 Many functions eg open, query, connection pool, prepare, transactions, close will work with any ODBC compatible driver with its respective database.许多功能,例如打开、查询、连接池、准备、事务、关闭将与任何 ODBC 兼容的驱动程序及其各自的数据库一起工作。

mssql uses Tedius which is: mssql 使用Tedius ,它是:

Tedious is a pure-Javascript implementation of the TDS protocol, which is used to interact with instances of Microsoft's SQL Server. Tedious 是 TDS 协议的纯 Javascript 实现,用于与 Microsoft 的 SQL 服务器实例交互。 It is intended to be a fairly slim implementation of the protocol, with not too much additional functionality.它旨在成为该协议的一个相当精简的实现,没有太多的附加功能。

So one is a wrapper around the official Microsoft supported ODBC driver, but requires installing that ODBC driver in your OS or container, while the other is a wrapper around a pure-Javascript TDS client so you can add it purely through NPM, but which is not an official Microsoft driver, even though there are some Microsoft/Github contributors.因此,一个是对官方 Microsoft 支持的 ODBC 驱动程序的包装,但需要在您的操作系统或容器中安装该 ODBC 驱动程序,而另一个是对纯 Javascript TDS 客户端的包装,因此您可以完全通过 NPM 添加它,但这是不是官方的 Microsoft 驱动程序,尽管有一些 Microsoft/Github 贡献者。

You should expect that Tedius may lack support for the very latest TDS protocol versions and for some less-used features of the TDS protocol, and that you won't be able to open a Microsoft support case for any issues you find;您应该预料到 Tedius 可能不支持最新的 TDS 协议版本和 TDS 协议的一些较少使用的功能,并且您将无法为您发现的任何问题打开 Microsoft 支持案例; those would go to the Github repo to be addressed by the community.这些将由社区解决 go 到 Github 回购协议。

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