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替换深度嵌入的 json 文件中的特定键

[英]replace specific keys in a deeply embedded json file

I have a json file (origin.json) generated locally, I'd like to replace some keys in this origin.json and generate a remote.json so that I could send it to a remote server following it's endpoint payload format.我有一个本地生成的 json 文件 (origin.json),我想替换这个 origin.json 中的一些密钥并生成一个 remote.json 以便我可以按照它的端点有效负载格式将它发送到远程服务器。

My origin.json is large and deeply embedded, I could iterate each keys and replace those I need to.我的 origin.json 很大而且嵌入很深,我可以迭代每个键并替换我需要的键。 But I am wondering is there an efficient and fancy tool could do the same?但我想知道是否有一种高效而奇特的工具可以做同样的事情? Something like jq? jq之类的?

Below are my embedded json下面是我的嵌入式 json

        "timeoutMs": 3000,
        "requestTopic": "local-cron",
        "searchQuery": {
            "checkin": "2023-01-10",
            "checkout": "2023-01-11",
            "numberRoomsNeeded": 0,
            "adultsTotal": 2,
            "childrenTotal": 0,
            "currency": "EUR"
        "requestContext": {
            "userId": 666666666,
            "userAuthLevel": 2,
            "isUserstar": true,
            "visitorCc1": "cn",
            "trafficSourceId": 0,
            "siteTypeId": 9,
            "detectedUserType": "normal",
            "travelPurpose": 2,
            "affiliateId": 12345,
            "languageCode": "en-us",
            "currency": "CNY",
            "siteType": 1,
            "serverRole": "cron",
            "action": "bp",
            "visitorIdentifier": [
                    "type": "id-single",
                    "uvi": "00000000000000000000000"
                    "type": "user-identity",
                    "uvi": "66666666"
                    "type": "user",
                    "uvi": "77777777777"
            "isInternal": true,
            "enableExperiments": true,
            "shouldTrackRequestInExperiments": true,
            "starSettings": {
                "isUserstar": true,
                "isUserstarControlGroup": false,
                "canStarUserSeeFreeBreakfast": true,
                "canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade": true,
                "starTier": 5,
                "topstarBenefit": "",
                "isRightstar": true,
                "starDynamicPricing": {
                    "canSeestarDynamicPricingLevel3": true
                "canStarUserSeeFreeCleaningFee": true,
                "starVipSettings": [
                        "eligible": true,
                        "benefitName": "no_et",
                        "programType": "PriceMatchTrial",
                        "percentage": 0
            "isCsRelocationMode": false,
            "tripValueContext": {},
            "visitorCountryRegion": "sh",
            "paymentTiming": 1,
            "includeConditional": false
        "showDebug": false,
        "hits": [
                "hhhhid": 8228082,
                "ppblock": {
                    "allMatchingBlocks": [
                            "blockId": 1,
                            "rawBlock": {
                                "occupancy": 2,
                                "price": 34425,
                                "roomId": 822808201,
                                "policygroupId": 346547507,
                                "mealplan": 2,
                                "channel": 581,
                                "currencyId": 2,
                                "maxPersons": 3,
                                "flags": 0,
                                "freeCancelUntil": 0,
                                "priceBase10Exponent": -2,
                                "packageId": 0,
                                "paymenttermsId": 38,
                                "vrFlags": 0,
                                "bundleId": 0
                            "blockStay": {
                                "stayNights": [
                                        "polId": 346547507,
                                        "rateId": 25728208,
                                        "curId": 2,
                                        "price": 344.25,
                                        "price1": 0,
                                        "channelId": 581,
                                        "occupancy": 2,
                                        "roomId": 822808201,
                                        "initialPrice": 405,
                                        "initialPrice1": 0
                                "stayNrRooms": 1,
                                "stayAvailableUntil": 1956105,
                                "stayPrice": 344.25,
                                "stayFlashDeal": 0,
                                "stayPromoTextId": 0,
                                "stayMinAdvanceRes": 1673388000,
                                "stayInventorySegmentId": 0,
                                "stayExperimentFlags": 0,
                                "stayRoomRateFlags": 4,
                                "stayIncludedProducts": 0
                    "selectedBlocks": [
                    "selected": {
                        "822808201_346547507_2_2_0": 1
            "pipeline": 3

Here I flagged severval keys I'd like to replace with '==> (new key)'在这里我标记了几个我想用'==>(新密钥)'替换的密钥

jq '.. | keys?' star-dragongate.json 
  "showDebug", ==> showdebug 
  "affiliateId", ==> Affilateid
  "shouldTrackRequestInExperiments", ==> inexperiments
  "canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade",  ==> freeroom_upgrade
  "bundleId",  ==> bundle_id
  "stayPromoTextId", ==> staypromotextid

The keys I need to replace located in different embed layer and blocks of this json. Is there any suggestion on how to replace those keys in an efficient way?我需要替换的键位于这个 json 的不同嵌入层和块中。关于如何以有效的方式替换这些键有什么建议吗? PS: The keys in json file are in static location, not dymanically change all the time. PS:json文件中的key在static位置,不是一直动态变化的。

To rename a field name, you could use with_entries , which gives you access to each .key .要重命名字段名称,您可以使用with_entries ,这使您可以访问每个.key Reset it by assignment.通过分配重置它。

Now, what's still unclear is how you want to find the keys in question (programmatically).现在,仍然不清楚的是您希望如何(以编程方式)找到有问题的键。 If their locations are static, and you know them, address them individually, as in:如果他们的地址是 static,并且您知道他们,请分别称呼他们,如下所示:

.requestContext.starSettings |= with_entries((.key | select(. == "canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade")) = "freeroom_upgrade")
| .hits[].ppblock.allMatchingBlocks[].rawBlock |= with_entries((.key | select(. == "bundleId")) = "bundle_id")
# and so on...

To reduce redundant code, you could also move the renaming portion of it into its own function, and then just call that, eg:为了减少冗余代码,您还可以将它的重命名部分移动到它自己的 function 中,然后调用它,例如:

def rename($old; $new):
  with_entries((.key | select(. == $old)) = $new);

.requestContext.starSettings |= rename("canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade"; "freeroom_upgrade")
| .hits[].ppblock.allMatchingBlocks[].rawBlock |= rename("bundleId";  "bundle_id")
# and so on...

Or move the location also into the function, eg:或将位置也移动到 function,例如:

def rename_at(path; $old; $new):
  path |= with_entries((.key | select(. == $old)) = $new);

rename_at(.requestContext.starSettings; "canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade"; "freeroom_upgrade")
| rename_at(.hits[].ppblock.allMatchingBlocks[].rawBlock; "bundleId";  "bundle_id")
# and so on...

If their location is unknown, and you want to replace them just based on their (local) name, you need to traverse the document, and check if you hit a matching name.如果他们的位置未知,而你只想根据他们的(本地)名称替换它们,你需要遍历文档,并检查你是否找到了匹配的名称。 The walk function provides you with the traversal, objects reduces the action to objects: walk function 为你提供遍历, objects减少对objects 的操作:

walk(objects |= with_entries(
  if .key == "canStarUserSeeFreeRoomUpgrade" then .key = "freeroom_upgrade"
  elif .key == "bundleId" then .key = "bundle_id"
  # and so on...
  else . end

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