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我在使用第一个 gui 应用程序中的按钮时遇到问题

[英]I am having trouble with a button in my first gui application

def play():
    wind2 = tk.Toplevel()
    v = tk.IntVar()
    ques = ["Identify the least stable ion amongst the following.",
            "The set representing the correct order of first ionisation potential is",
            "The correct order of radii is"]
    o1 = ["", "Li⁺", "Be⁻", "B⁻", "C⁻"]
    o2 = ["", "K > Na > Li", "Be > Mg >Ca", "B >C > N", "Ge > Si >C"]
    o3 = ["", "N < Be < B", "F⁻ < O²⁻ < N³⁻", "Na < Li < K", "Fe³⁺ < Fe⁴⁺ < Fe²⁺"]
    choice=[o1, o2, o3]
    qsn = tk.Label(wind2, text = ques[0])


    def correct():
    r1 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, text = o1[1], variable = v, value = 1, command=correct)
    r2 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, text = o1[2], variable = v, value = 2, command=correct)
    r3 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, text = o1[3], variable = v, value = 3, command=correct)
    r4 = tk.Radiobutton(wind2, text = o1[4], variable = v, value = 4, command=correct)

    def nxt():
        n = random.randint(1,2)
        qsn['text'] = ques[n]
        r1['text'] = choice[n][1]
        r2['text'] = choice[n][2]
        r3['text'] = choice[n][3]
        r4['text'] = choice[n][4]
    nbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "next", command = lambda: nxt)

I am trying to change the question using the button nbut , and it won't work.我正在尝试使用按钮nbut更改问题,但它不起作用。 I tried using randint outside the function and passing it but then the button works only once我尝试在randint之外使用 randint 并传递它但是按钮只工作一次


nbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "next", command = lambda: nxt)

To this.为此。

nbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "next", command = nxt) # Recommended
## OR

# nbut = tk.Button(wind2, text = "next", command = lambda: nxt())

The explanation is simple.解释很简单。

You are not calling the nxt function when nbut click Instead you are calling the lambda function. But, because you put the function name inside the lambda function without parentheses the nxt function never executes.nbut单击时,您没有调用nxt function 相反,您调用的是lambda function。但是,因为您将 function 名称放在 lambda function 中,没有括号nxt从不执行 never888989

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