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切换 Control 和 Alt ^<+Tab::ShiftAltTab 的自动热键映射不起作用

[英]Auto hot key mapping to switch Control and Alt ^<+Tab::ShiftAltTab does not work

I'd like to use the following Auto Hot Key shortcuts to switch CTRL and ALT:我想使用以下自动热键快捷键来切换 CTRL 和 ALT:

LCtrl & Tab::AltTab


But I've got an error The AltTab hotkey "^<+Tab" must specify which key (L or R).但我有一个错误The AltTab hotkey "^<+Tab" must specify which key (L or R).

Changed then I get another error: ... must have exactly one modifier/prefix.改变然后我得到另一个错误: ... must have exactly one modifier/prefix.


I found my question asked on Reddit too but no answer there: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoHotkey/comments/bb5xlv/tab_for_alttab_tab_for_shiftalttab_how我在 Reddit 上也发现了我的问题,但那里没有答案: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutoHotkey/comments/bb5xlv/tab_for_alttab_tab_for_shiftalttab_how

Try this尝试这个

; LCtrl + Tab
    Send, {Alt Down}{Tab}
    KeyWait, LCtrl ; waits for LCtrl to be relesead
    Send, {Alt Up}

; LCtrl + LShift + Tab
    Send, {Alt Down}{Shift Down}{Tab}
    KeyWait, LCtrl
    KeyWait, LShift
    Send, {Alt Up}

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