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Firebase 实时数据库新数据规则

[英]Firebase Realtime Database newData Rules

I'm creating some rules for a couple of tables which reflect a n2n relation.我正在为反映 n2n 关系的几个表创建一些规则。 Below is the code I use to update the database:下面是我用来更新数据库的代码:

// Prepara alterações no BD
HashMap<String, Object> dadosUpdate = new HashMap<>();
String idCurrUser = userManager.getCurrentUser().getId();

// Obtem nova chave para registros novos
if (isNew) {
    String newCondominioId = FirebaseDBManager.getNewId("condominio");

// Usuarios_Condominios
dadosUpdate.put("/usuarios_condominios/" + idCurrUser + "/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/ehAdmin/", true);
dadosUpdate.put("/usuarios_condominios/" + idCurrUser + "/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/ehSindico/", true);
dadosUpdate.put("/usuarios_condominios/" + idCurrUser + "/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/ehColaborador/", true);

// Condominios_Usuarios
dadosUpdate.put("/condominios_usuarios/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/" + idCurrUser + "/ehAdmin/", true);
dadosUpdate.put("/condominios_usuarios/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/" + idCurrUser + "/ehSindico/", true);
dadosUpdate.put("/condominios_usuarios/" + condominioSel.getId() + "/" + idCurrUser + "/ehColaborador/", true);

return fbDB.updateChildren(dadosUpdate);

And here are the rules I've setup at Firebase:这是我在 Firebase 设置的规则:

  "rules": {
      "usuarios_condominios": {
          ".read" : "auth.uid != null",
          "$idUsuario": {
              ".write": "(auth.uid === $idUsuario) || (root.child('usuarios').child(auth.uid).child('ehAdmin').val() == true)"
      "condominios_usuarios": {
          ".read" : "auth.uid != null",
          "$idCondominio": {
              ".write": "(auth.uid != null && newData.child('condominios_usuarios').child($idCondominio).child(auth.uid).child('ehAdmin').exists())"

For some reason I could not find, the last rule is preventing me to save the data:出于某种原因我找不到,最后一条规则阻止我保存数据:


Please help me understand what am I doing wrong.请帮助我了解我做错了什么。

The newData variable contains the value for the node on which the rules is defined as it will exist after the write operation, if that write operation succeeds/is permitted. newData变量包含在其上定义规则的节点的值,因为如果写入操作成功/被允许,它将在写入操作之后存在。

So, you don't need to build a path from the root yourself, newData already points to the current node.所以,你不需要自己从根开始建立路径, newData已经指向了当前节点。 I think that means you'll need:我认为这意味着你需要:


If in the future you want to inspect a node in a different branch from the root, you will have to call parent() to get from the current node to the root of the tree, and then use child calls from there.如果将来您想检查与根不同的分支中的节点,则必须调用parent()以从当前节点到达树的根,然后从那里使用child调用。

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