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[英]Why Event Listener "click" shows the "body" element instead of the element that I clicked on?

I went to chessboard.js https://chessboardjs.com/examples#5000 , opened Developer Tools and pasted the following code我去了 chessboard.js https://chessboardjs.com/examples#5000 ,打开开发工具并粘贴以下代码

document.body.addEventListener(`click`, a1);
function a1(){

When I clicked on an empty chess square or on a square with a black piece, the console printed the correct result (for example, "div#e5-b9f9-a5bc-69e1-3e5a-4b82-b2bc-ffe4-966c.square-55d63.black-3c85d.square-e5").当我点击一个空的国际象棋方格或一个有黑色棋子的方格时,控制台打印出正确的结果(例如,“div#e5-b9f9-a5bc-69e1-3e5a-4b82-b2bc-ffe4-966c.square- 55d63.black-3c85d.square-e5").

But when I clicked on a square with a white piece on it, the console printed "body".但是当我点击一个上面有白色方块的正方形时,控制台打印出“body”。 When I right-clicked on the same square and chose "Inspect" it correctly showed an "img" element inside a "div" element in the section "Elements" of the Developer Tools (for example, <div class="square-55d63 white-1e1d7 square-e2" style="width:49px;height:49px;" id="e2-f699-d489-4d29-2e6f-2a64-c1ec-e26f-fb62" data-square="e2"><img src="chessboard/img/chesspieces/wikipedia/wP.png" alt="" class="piece-417db" data-piece="wP" style="width:49px;height:49px;"></div>").当我右键单击同一个方块并选择“检查”时,它在开发人员工具的“元素”部分的“div”元素内正确显示了一个“img”元素(例如,<div class="square-55d63 white-1e1d7 square-e2" style="width:49px;height:49px;" id="e2-f699-d489-4d29-2e6f-2a64-c1ec-e26f-fb62" data-square="e2"><img src="chessboard/img/chesspieces/wikipedia/wP.png" alt="" class="piece-417db" data-piece="wP" style="width:49px;height:49px;"></div> ”)。

What is the reason for showing "body" instead of a correct element?显示“正文”而不是正确元素的原因是什么? What should I do to make the program show me the element I clicked on?我应该怎么做才能让程序显示我点击的元素?

Don't just use event.target on itself unless you really know what you're doing.除非您真的知道自己在做什么,否则不要对自身使用event.target Usually it goes in combination with .closest() which is 99% when it should be used - and that's exactly what you also need.通常它与.closest()结合使用,当它应该被使用时它是 99%——这正是你所需要的。

Also, instead of assigning event to body , use a nearest ancestor like #myBoard此外,不要将事件分配给body ,而是使用最近的祖先,如#myBoard

Also, use "mousedown" Event - since it seems like the "click" hangs because the element never receives a "mouseup" to fulfill the "click" since the cell is manipulated programmatically此外,使用“mousedown”事件 - 因为它看起来像“click”挂起,因为元素从未收到“mouseup”来实现“click” ,因为单元格是以编程方式操作的

function cellClick (evt){
   const elCell = evt.target.closest("[data-square]");
   if (!elCell) return; // Do nothing. No cell element.

   // Otherwise do...

document.querySelector("#myBoard").addEventListener(`mousedown`, cellClick);

Since the cell elements you want to target use a dataset Attribute , ie:由于您要定位的单元格元素使用数据集 Attribute ,即:

  class="square-55d63 black-3c85d square-g7"

and since that attribute is used for all cells I used the Attribute selector "[data-square]"由于该属性用于所有单元格,因此我使用了属性选择器"[data-square]"

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