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react-native-skia 对最终包的大小有什么影响?

[英]What is the impact of react-native-skia on the size of the final bundle?

I am super excited about the possibilities which bring react-native-skia package. However, I haven't found any information about how it influences the production bundle size and bootstrap speed.我对带来react-native-skia package 的可能性感到非常兴奋。但是,我还没有找到任何关于它如何影响生产包大小和引导速度的信息。

Just found an answer in the updated documentation .刚刚在更新的文档中找到了答案。 The package adds 6 MB to the IOS bundle and 4 MB to Android. package 向 IOS 捆绑包添加 6 MB,向 Android 添加 4 MB。

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