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部署失败,在 digitalocean app-engine django app 的控制台上没有提示任何错误

[英]Deployment fails without prompting any errors on console on digitalocean app-engine django app

We have 2 apps that are running with similar settings, now we are trying to deploy another app but this time it's failing without telling any error in app engine.我们有 2 个使用类似设置运行的应用程序,现在我们正在尝试部署另一个应用程序,但这次它失败了,没有告诉应用程序引擎中的任何错误。 Python django app starts and then suddenly app engine stops deployment. Python django 应用程序启动,然后应用程序引擎突然停止部署。 How to find reason behind that?如何找到背后的原因?

2023-01-10T04:22:27.009643496Z Operations to perform:
2023-01-10T04:22:27.009843250Z   Apply all migrations: accounts, admin, auth, authtoken, contenttypes, sessions
2023-01-10T04:22:27.025117275Z Running migrations:
2023-01-10T04:22:27.025132491Z   No migrations to apply.
2023-01-10T04:22:28.914809605Z [2023-01-10 04:22:28 +0000] [3] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
2023-01-10T04:22:28.916522026Z [2023-01-10 04:22:28 +0000] [3] [INFO] Listening at: (3)
2023-01-10T04:22:28.916664847Z [2023-01-10 04:22:28 +0000] [3] [INFO] Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
2023-01-10T04:22:28.977228185Z [2023-01-10 04:22:28 +0000] [4] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 4
2023-01-10T04:22:30.789477002Z [2023-01-10 04:22:30 +0000] [4] [INFO] Started server process [4]
2023-01-10T04:22:30.789716598Z [2023-01-10 04:22:30 +0000] [4] [INFO] Waiting for application startup.
2023-01-10T04:22:30.790170632Z [2023-01-10 04:22:30 +0000] [4] [INFO] ASGI 'lifespan' protocol appears unsupported.
2023-01-10T04:22:30.790507246Z [2023-01-10 04:22:30 +0000] [4] [INFO] Application startup complete.


I think you missed assigning the correct port for that specific app.我认为您错过了为该特定应用分配正确的端口。 By default DO sets port 8080. And according to logs, it's listening to port 5000.默认情况下 DO 设置端口 8080。根据日志,它正在侦听端口 5000。

2023-01-10T04:22:28.916522026Z [2023-01-10 04:22:28 +0000] [3] [INFO] Listening at: (3)

So probably that could be the mistake.所以这可能是错误的。 You can update it from the YAML file in the digital ocean app settings.您可以从数字海洋应用程序设置中的 YAML 文件更新它。 Or click the edit icon corresponding to the resource to configure details such as HTTP routes or the HTTP port.或点击资源对应的编辑图标配置HTTP路由或HTTP端口等详细信息。

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