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UWP 多实例应用程序共享 memory 或引用 memory 对象?

[英]Shared memory or reference to memory objects for UWP multi instance app?

Is there any way to create shared memory between multiple instance of an UWP app?有没有办法在 UWP 应用程序的多个实例之间创建共享 memory?

For example, I need to load hundreds of images (as Bitmap) in one instance of UWP app.例如,我需要在 UWP 应用程序的一个实例中加载数百张图像(作为位图)。 Loading same images in the other instance can take double memory.在另一个实例中加载相同的图像可能需要双倍的 memory。

Is there any way that multiple instances of the UWP app will be using same memory reference? UWP 应用程序的多个实例是否可以使用相同的 memory 引用? Or there is there any way to reduce this redundant memory usage?或者有什么办法可以减少这个多余的 memory 的使用?

Tried shared memory. But looks like no support for UWP.尝试共享 memory。但看起来不支持 UWP。

Currently loading separately which is multiplying the memory usage.当前单独加载,这会增加 memory 的使用量。

Also, does shared data come in help in this case?另外,共享数据在这种情况下有帮助吗?

I have to say that there is no API in UWP that could be used to share memory as you want.不得不说,UWP里面没有API可以随便分享memory。 When reading from the file from different instance of UWP apps, it will create their own memory usage.当从 UWP 应用程序的不同实例读取文件时,它将创建自己的 memory 用法。

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