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如何显示所有产品 laravel

[英]how to show all the products laravel

I have a query where I show all the products that are in that warehouse, but if it has more than one it shows me the x quantity but with the same data, thats because I have ->first();我有一个查询,其中我显示了该仓库中的所有产品,但如果它有多个产品,它会显示 x 数量但具有相同的数据,那是因为我有->first(); but If I remove ->first();但是如果我删除->first(); it says an error whit the traceability .它说traceability出错。

 $Input = $request->key;
    $almacen = $request->almacen;
$name = DB::table('products')
    ->leftJoin('inventories', 'inventories.product_id', '=', 'products.id')
    ->whereRaw("(products.reference LIKE '%$Input%' OR products.name LIKE '%$Input%') AND products.deleted_at is null")
    ->leftJoin('warehouses', 'inventories.warehouse_id', '=', 'warehouses.id')
    ->where('warehouses.id', $almacen)


$array = [];
foreach ($name as $key) {
    array_push($array, $key->reference);
//$array = array_unique($array);
$html = '';

if ($name != '[]') {
    foreach ($array as $value) {
        $prodName = DB::table('products')
        ->leftJoin('inventories', 'inventories.product_id', '=', 'products.id')
        ->where('products.reference', $value)
            //return $value;
        $html .= '<div><a style="color: #000000" class="suggest-element" traceability="'.$prodName->traceability.'" reference="' . $value . '" sku="' . $prodName->sku . '" name="' . $prodName->name . '" lot="' . $prodName->lot . '" expirationDate="' . $prodName->expirationDate . '" data="' . ($value) . " " . ($prodName->name) . '" id="' . $prodName->id . '">' . ($value) . " " . ($prodName->name) ." " . ($prodName->lot) ." " . ($prodName->expirationDate) ." " . ($prodName->traceability) .'</a></div>';
} else {
    $html .= '<div><a style="color: #000000" class="suggest-element" exist="0" data="Sin coincidencias." id="0">Sin coincidencias.</a></div>';
return $html;

});` });`


I would like to see the products whit the correct data,我想查看具有正确数据的产品,

Your code is currently only returning the first row in the database because you are using first() .您的代码目前仅返回数据库中的第一行,因为您使用的是first()

If you remove first() , you will just be left with a Query Builder and will get an error like " Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$traceability " - because you haven't got the data yet.如果您删除first() ,您将只剩下一个Query Builder ,并会收到类似“ Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$traceability ”的错误 - 因为您还没有获得数据。

You can use get() instead of first() to get all of the rows, and this will return a Collection .您可以使用get()而不是first()来获取所有行,这将返回一个Collection

You can also use ->whereIn('products.reference', $array) instead of looping through all of the elements in $array您还可以使用->whereIn('products.reference', $array)而不是遍历 $ $array中的所有元素

You are also comparing $name to the string '[]' instead of an empty array.您还将$name与字符串'[]'而不是空数组进行比较。 You can use empty() instead: if (!empty($name)) {您可以改用empty()if (!empty($name)) {

And then you can simply loop through the Collection and add the html:然后您可以简单地遍历Collection并添加 html:

    // Use empty() - This checks if an array is empty or not
    if (!empty($name)) {
        $products = DB::table('products')
            ->leftJoin('inventories', 'inventories.product_id', '=', 'products.id')
            // Use whereIn - This checks if any of the values in $array match products.reference
            ->whereIn('products.reference', $array)
            // Return all rows

        foreach ($products as $product) {
            $html .= '<div><a style="color: #000000" class="suggest-element" traceability="' . $product->traceability . '" reference="' . $product->reference . '" sku="' . $product->sku . '" name="' . $product->name . '" lot="' . $product->lot . '" expirationDate="' . $product->->expirationDate . '" data="' . ($product->reference) . " " . ($product->->name) . '" id="' . $product->->id . '">' . ($product->reference) . " " . ($product->name) . " " . ($product->lot) . " " . ($product->expirationDate) . " " . ($product->traceability) . '</a></div>';
    } else {

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