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VB.Net 中的自动映射器

[英]Automapper in VB.Net

I am having a devil of a time attempting to translate the following piece of code from c# to VB.Net.我有一段时间试图将以下代码从 c# 翻译成 VB.Net。 I have little experience in VB.Net and all my searches have proven fruitless to date.我对 VB.Net 的经验很少,迄今为止我的所有搜索都没有结果。

IMapper DataReaderMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
    cfg.CreateMap<IDataReader, MyDTO1>();
    cfg.CreateMap<IDataReader, MyDTO2>();
    cfg.CreateMap<IDataReader, MyDTO3>();

The code is using the Automapper and Automapper.Data nuget packages to map datatables to DTOs.该代码使用 Automapper 和 Automapper.Data nuget 包到 map 数据表到 DTO。 I know the code works fine in c#.我知道代码在 c# 中运行良好。

My best guess was the following:我最好的猜测如下:

Dim DataReaderMapper As IMapper = New MapperConfiguration(Function(cfg) {cfg.AddDataReaderMapping(), cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO1)()}).CreateMapper()

The above results in an "Overload resolution failure" warning as I am obviously not passing in the arguments/parameters in the correct fashion/order.上面的结果导致“过载解析失败”警告,因为我显然没有以正确的方式/顺序传递参数/参数。 I can usually muddle by with most translations that I have to deal with but this one is stumping me.我通常可以应付大多数我必须处理的翻译,但这个让我很困惑。 Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

According to https://converter.telerik.com/根据https://converter.telerik.com/

    Dim DataReaderMapper As IMapper = New MapperConfiguration(Function(cfg)
                                                                  cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO1)()
                                                                  cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO2)()
                                                                  cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO3)()
                                                              End Function).CreateMapper()

I was able to resolve by combining the responses of Nick Abbot's Telerik conversion and Craig's suggestion to swap out "Function" for "Sub" to get the following:我能够通过结合 Nick Abbot 的 Telerik 转换的响应和 Craig 将“Function”换成“Sub”的建议来解决问题,以获得以下内容:

Dim DataReaderMapper As IMapper = New MapperConfiguration(Sub(cfg)
                                                              cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO1)()
                                                              cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO2)()
                                                              cfg.CreateMap(Of IDataReader, MyDTO3)()
                                                          End Sub).CreateMapper()

Thank you gentlemen for your assistance!谢谢各位先生的协助!

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