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如何查询数据插入substring - MYSQL/JPQL

[英]How to query data inserting substring - MYSQL/JPQL

I'm writing the below method on a Java project with Hibernate connecting to the database, and want to know how can I write a query to find a register with just the corrensponding substring. I tried using 'concat' but it didn't work我正在 Java 项目上编写以下方法,其中 Hibernate 连接到数据库,我想知道如何编写查询以查找仅包含相应 substring 的寄存器。我尝试使用“concat”,但它没有用

public List<UnidadeDeSaude> pesquisar(String nome) {
        TypedQuery<UnidadeDeSaude> query = manager.createQuery("from UnidadeDeSaude where nomeDoEstabelecimento concat('%',:nomeDoEstabelecimento,'%')", UnidadeDeSaude.class);
        query.setParameter("nomeDoEstabelecimento", nome + '%');
        return query.getResultList();

What you're looking for is LIKE clause你要找的是LIKE 子句

from UnidadeDeSaude where nomeDoEstabelecimento like concat('%',:nomeDoEstabelecimento,'%')", UnidadeDeSaude.class);

And skip the + '%' from setParameter并跳过setParameter中的+ '%'

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