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为什么我不能返回任务<ienumerable<out t> > 无需让我的方法异步并使用 await </ienumerable<out>

[英]Why can't I return a Task<IEnumerable<out T>> without making my method async and using await

Currently I have a method with the signature public Task<IEnumerable<Descriptor>> GetAllDescriptors() where Descriptor is a public class I created.目前我有一个签名为public Task<IEnumerable<Descriptor>> GetAllDescriptors()的方法,其中Descriptor是我创建的 public class。 I then have various tasks that I call within this method like so:然后我在这个方法中调用了各种任务,如下所示:

var allDescriptors = Task.WhenAll(GetMovieDescriptorsAsync, GetSongDescriptorsAsync);

Since GetMovieDescriptorsAsync & GetSongDescriptorsAsync both return Task<Descriptor> I know that the variable type of allDescriptors is Task<Descriptor[]> which is great.由于GetMovieDescriptorsAsyncGetSongDescriptorsAsync都返回Task<Descriptor>我知道allDescriptors的变量类型是Task<Descriptor[]>这很好。 However if I try return allDescriptors I get the error:但是,如果我尝试return allDescriptors ,则会收到错误消息:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Descriptor[]>' to 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Descriptor>>'

However, if I change the method signature to public async Task<IEnumerable<Descriptor>> GetAllDescriptors() and then I try return await allDescriptors it works and I get the desired <IEnumerable<CompletionInfo> in the calling function:但是,如果我将方法签名更改为public async Task<IEnumerable<Descriptor>> GetAllDescriptors()然后我尝试return await allDescriptors它工作并且我在调用 function 中获得所需的<IEnumerable<CompletionInfo>

var descriptors = await GetAllDescriptors();

Why is that and how can I return the expected IEnumerable<Descriptor> without having to use async and await?为什么会这样,我怎样才能返回预期的IEnumerable<Descriptor>而不必使用异步和等待?

Task.WhenAll<T> returns a Task<T[]> , so in your case Task.WhenAll<T>返回一个Task<T[]> ,所以在你的情况下

Task<IEnumerable<Decsriptor>[]> allDescriptors = Task.WhenAll(GetMovieDescriptorsAsync, GetSongDescriptorsAsync);

allDescriptors is a Task<IEnumerable<Decsriptor>[]> , that is a Task wrapping an array of Enumerables of Descriptor. allDescriptors是一个Task<IEnumerable<Decsriptor>[]> ,它是一个包装了描述符枚举数组的任务。

First order of business would be getting the task result:首要任务是获取任务结果:

IEnumerable<Descriptor>[] taskResults = allDescriptors.Result;

Then merging each IEnumerable<Descriptor> in the array taskResults into a flat list:然后将数组taskResults中的每个IEnumerable<Descriptor>合并到一个平面列表中:

IEnumerable<Descriptor> descriptors = taskResults.SelectMany(value => value);

The problem (and solution) you are describing is covariance .您描述的问题(和解决方案)是covariance IEnumerable<out T> is a covariant interface, which means you can assign IEnumerable<string> into IEnumerable<object> . IEnumerable<out T>是协变接口,这意味着您可以将IEnumerable<string>分配给 IEnumerable IEnumerable<object>

However, Task<TResult> IS NOT covariant.但是, Task<TResult>不是协变的。 That means you can't return a more specific object in place of a generic definition (if you've Task<object> , you can't return Task<string> ).这意味着您不能返回更具体的 object 来代替通用定义(如果您有Task<object> ,则不能返回Task<string> )。

Now, adding async and await makes the compiler treat this a bit differently.现在,添加asyncawait会使编译器对此有所不同。 Simplifying, async cancels out the Task declaration, so it returns the TResult .简化, async取消了Task声明,因此它返回TResult And if you have a method object Foo() , you can use return "" inside this method.如果你有一个方法object Foo() ,你可以在这个方法中使用return "" Because the return type of a method is always covariant.因为方法的返回类型总是协变的。

To summarize, async Task<TResult> is similar of TResult , so you can return more specific objects this way.总而言之, async Task<TResult>TResult类似,因此您可以通过这种方式返回更具体的对象。 However, Task<TResult> is a non-covariant type, so you have to return exactly the type specified.但是, Task<TResult>是一种非协变类型,因此您必须准确返回指定的类型。

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