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[英]how to index with edit button with exact value and then save on index?

I got an issue when I click on edit button.单击编辑按钮时出现问题。 it will edit on all selected data.它将编辑所有选定的数据。 I need to edit on particular index value but I didn't get that value.我需要编辑特定的索引值,但我没有得到那个值。

selectedVtuCommands is an array of strings that are selected. selectedVtuCommands是所选字符串的数组。

.html file .html 文件

<div id="vtu-command-div">
  <ul id="selected-command-list" class="list-group">
      *ngFor="let command of selectedVtuCommands; let commandIndex = index"
      <div class="mt-2 d-inline-block" *ngIf="!editing">
        {{ command }}
      <div id="inputediv" *ngIf="editing">
          class="mt-2 d-inline-block"

        class="btn btn-danger pull-right ml-2"
        <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>

        class="btn btn-danger pull-right"
        (click)="editClick(command, commandIndex)"
        <i class="fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i>

.ts file .ts 文件

editing: boolean = false;
editClick = (command: string, index: number) => {
  this.logger.trace('editClick() called with command', command);

  this.editing = true;
  if (this.editing) {
      'before editClick() called with  this.editing',
    const index = this.selectedVtuCommands.findIndex(
      (arg) => arg === command
    this.logger.trace('after click editClick() called with index', index);
  this.logger.trace('editClick() called with  this.editing', this.editing);

There are many ways to do this, but in your case you could store an editingIndex instead of a boolean for tracking the editing state and compare that with the current commandIndex in the template.有很多方法可以做到这一点,但在您的情况下,您可以存储一个editingIndex而不是boolean来跟踪editing state 并将其与模板中的当前 commandIndex 进行比较。

editingIndex === commandIndex // editing

editingIndex !== commandIndex // not editing

So then in your html template you get something like:那么在您的 html 模板中,您会得到如下内容:

<div id="vtu-command-div">
  <ul id="selected-command-list" class="list-group">
    <li *ngFor="let command of selectedVtuCommands; let commandIndex = index"
      <div *ngIf="editingIndex !== commandIndex; else editingTemplate"
           class="mt-2 d-inline-block">
        {{ command }}
      <ng-template #editingTemplate>
        <div id="inputediv" *ngIf="editingIndex === commandIndex">
            class="mt-2 d-inline-block"
        class="btn btn-danger pull-right ml-2">
        <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
        *ngIf="editingIndex !== commandIndex"
        class="btn btn-danger pull-right"
        (click)="editClick(command, commandIndex)"
        <i class="fa fa-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></i>

In your ts file you make following changes:在您的 ts 文件中,您进行以下更改:

editingIndex: number;

editClick = (command: string, index: number) => {

  this.editingIndex = index;


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