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尝试使用来自另一个 class 的变量时出错

[英]Error when trying to use variables from another class

I am trying to use variables defined in a class called Card.cs in another class called Deck.cs however I am getting red lines under the variables, and it is giving me the error: “'Card' does not contain definition for 'cardsuit' and no accessible extension method.”我正在尝试在另一个名为 Deck.cs 的 class 中使用名为 Card.cs 的 class 中定义的变量,但是我在变量下看到红线,它给了我错误:“‘Card’不包含‘cardsuit 的定义’ ' 并且没有可访问的扩展方法。”

//This is the code I am trying to inherit from
namespace BlackJack
    class Card  {}
    public class Card
        public string cardsuit { set; get; }
        public int cardvalue { set; get; }
        public int cardnum { set; get; }
    public Card()
        cardvalue = -1;
        cardsuit = "";
        cardnum = -1;
public class Deck
    public List<Card> Cards { set; get; }//The List is the list of cards in the deck

    public Deck() //creates the pack of cards
        Cards = new List<Card>();
    public void revealdeck()
        int card_number = 1;

        for (int e = 1, e < 5; e++) // 4 different suits
            for (int f = 1; f < 14; f++)// 13 different cards in each suit 13x4= 52, 52 cards
                Card cardnow = new Card(); //creates the new card
                cardnow.cardnum = card_number;

                if (e == 1)
                cardnow.cardsuit = "spades";
                if (e == 2)
                    cardnow.cardsuit = "clubs";
                if (e == 3)
                    cardnow.cardsuit = "hearts";
                if (e == 4)
                    cardnow.cardsuit = "diamonds";

You have a double definition of the Card class你对 Card class 有双重定义

  1. An empty Card in the BlackJack namespace: BlackJack 命名空间中的空 Card:

    namespace BlackJack { class Card {命名空间 BlackJack { class 卡 {

    } } } }

  2. A public Card in the default namespace that is the one you want to use:默认名称空间中的公共 Card 是您要使用的名称空间:

    public class Card { public string cardsuit { set; public class Card { public string cardsuit { set; get;得到; } public int cardvalue { set; } public int cardvalue { 设置; get;得到; } public int cardnum { set; } public int cardnum { 设置; get;得到; } }

    public Card() { cardvalue = -1; public Card() { cardvalue = -1; cardsuit = "";纸牌套装 = ""; cardnum = -1;卡数=-1; } } } }

Therefore if in Deck.cs you are using the BlackJack namespace the Card will be the empty one, not the one you want to use.因此,如果在 Deck.cs 中您使用的是 BlackJack 命名空间,则 Card 将是空的,而不是您要使用的那个。

I am almost sure that replacing your Card.cs code by this one will suffice to have everything working:我几乎可以肯定,用这个替换你的 Card.cs 代码就足以让一切正常工作:

namespace BlackJack
   public class Card
        public string cardsuit { set; get; }
        public int cardvalue { set; get; }
        public int cardnum { set; get; }

        public Card()
            cardvalue = -1;
            cardsuit = "";
            cardnum = -1;

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