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将链接添加到 P5.js 球物理模拟中

[英]Adding Links into a P5.js ball physics simulation

I built an environment on p5.js, where basically a class of Balls is instanced to have them subjected to gravity and potentially dragged and thrown around.我在 p5.js 上构建了一个环境,其中基本上实例化了一个 class 的球,让它们受到重力的影响,并可能被拖拽和抛掷。

I want to replace them with links instead.我想用链接替换它们。

I'm a bit confused about my next steps.我对接下来的步骤有点困惑。

I managed to make this code:我设法制作了这段代码:

 let numBalls = 13; let spring = 0.05; let gravity = 0.05; let friction = -0.9; let balls = []; let menuData; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); for (let i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) { balls[i] = new Ball( random(width), random(height), random(30, 40), i, balls ); } noStroke(); fill(255, 204); balls.forEach(ball => { ball.display(); }) } function draw() { background(0); balls.forEach(ball => { ball.collide(); ball.move(); ball.display(); }); } function mousePressed() { balls.forEach(ball => { if (ball.onBall(mouseX, mouseY)) ball.startDrag(); }); } function mouseDragged() { balls.forEach(ball => { if (ball.dragging) { ball.x = mouseX; ball.y = mouseY; } }); } function mouseReleased() { balls.forEach(ball => { if (ball.dragging) { // Calculate the ball's new velocity based on how fast the mouse was moving when it was released ball.vx = (mouseX - ball.mousex) / 10; ball.vy = (mouseY - ball.mousey) / 10; // Set the ball's dragging property to false to indicate that it is no longer being dragged ball.dragging = false; } }); } class Ball { constructor(xin, yin, din, idin, oin) { this.x = xin; this.y = yin; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.diameter = din; this.id = idin; // questo non c'è bisogno per la fisica this.others = oin; this.dragging = false; } onBall(x, y) { let dx = x - this.x; let dy = y - this.y; let dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); return dist <= this.diameter / 2; } startDrag() { this.dragging = true; this.mousex = mouseX; this.mousey = mouseY; } collide() { for (let i = this.id + 1; i < numBalls; i++) { // Calculate distance and minimum distance between balls let dx = this.others[i].x - this.x; let dy = this.others[i].y - this.y; let distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); let minDist = this.others[i].diameter / 2 + this.diameter / 2; // Check if balls are colliding if (distance < minDist) { // Calculate angle between balls let angle = atan2(dy, dx); // Calculate target position for balls to avoid overlap let targetX = this.x + cos(angle) * minDist; let targetY = this.y + sin(angle) * minDist; // Calculate force of collision using mass and elasticity let ax = (targetX - this.others[i].x) * spring; let ay = (targetY - this.others[i].y) * spring; this.vx -= ax; this.vy -= ay; this.others[i].vx += ax; this.others[i].vy += ay; } } } move() { if (this.dragging) { this.x = mouseX; this.y = mouseY; } else { // gravità this.vy += gravity; // update ball's position based on its velocity this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; if (this.x + this.diameter / 2 > width) { this.x = width - this.diameter / 2; this.vx *= friction; } else if (this.x - this.diameter / 2 < 0) { this.x = this.diameter / 2; this.vx *= friction; } if (this.y + this.diameter / 2 > height) { this.y = height - this.diameter / 2; this.vy *= friction; } else if (this.y - this.diameter / 2 < 0) { this.y = this.diameter / 2; this.vy *= friction; } } } display() { ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.diameter, this.diameter); } }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.5.0/p5.js"></script>

Now I want to replace those ellipses and have some HTML anchors instead in order to have a bunch of links bouncing around.现在我想替换那些省略号并改用一些 HTML 锚点,以便有一堆链接跳来跳去。 What I mean by that is that now the object created is the ellipse, and I used that as a "placeholder" while I was building the rest of the code.我的意思是,现在创建的 object 是椭圆,我在构建代码的 rest 时将其用作“占位符”。 My final aim is to have instead links created, I was thinking using creatA instead of ellipse could work, but apparently, it doesn't.我的最终目标是创建链接,我想使用 creatA 而不是 ellipse 可以工作,但显然,它没有。 here's the codepen for that: https://codepen.io/giambrodo/pen/poZeOgO这是代码笔: https://codepen.io/giambrodo/pen/poZeOgO

the issue in the codepen is that they are clearly getting created (the links) in a different way than the ellipses i don't get why and how tho. codepen 中的问题是它们显然以不同于省略号的方式创建(链接),我不明白为什么以及如何。 Within my project, that is bigger and presents actually multiple sketches (i use the instance p5.js method there) somehow the links are produced inside the first sketch, but that's another story i guess.在我的项目中,它更大并且实际上呈现多个草图(我在那里使用实例 p5.js 方法)以某种方式在第一个草图内生成链接,但我想那是另一个故事。

let as = createA('www.moodnothing.baby', 'baby');
as.position(this.x, this.y);

I also thought that I could just make the anchor outside, in the setup function, and modify the class within the display() method, using the class() function, but I'm not getting any results either.我还认为我可以在设置 function 中将锚定在外面,并使用 class() function 在display()方法中修改 class,但我也没有得到任何结果。

Codepen if you need it:代码笔,如果你需要的话:

https://codepen.io/giambrodo/pen/LYBxMZZ https://codepen.io/giambrodo/pen/LYBxMZZ

Maybe try adding HTML elements for every ball you add:也许尝试为您添加的每个球添加 HTML 个元素:

var linkElement = document.createElement("a");

linkElement.innerHTML = menuData.links[i].label;
linkElement.className = "link-element";
linkElement.id = "link-element";
linkElement.href = menuData.links[i].href;


Then you can set the CSS of the link-elements.然后你可以设置链接元素的CSS。 You'll want position: absolute so that they will overlay with the canvas.您需要position: absolute以便它们与 canvas 重叠。

#link-element {
  position: absolute;
  top:  0;
  left: 0;

Then to move the links around you can get each one and set its position equal to the balls:然后移动链接,你可以获得每个链接并将其 position 设置为等于球:

const links = document.getElementsById("link-element");
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
  links[i].style.left = this.x;
  links[i].style.top = this.y;

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