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g++ 错误:zsh:找不到命令:subtitle_modifier

[英]g++ error : zsh: command not found: subtitle_modifier

when i was trying to run my c++ program with these 2 command:当我尝试使用这两个命令运行我的 c++ 程序时:

g++ subtitle_modifier.cpp -o subtitle_modifier
subtitle_modifier subtitle.srt 3000

I got some error:我得到了一些错误:

zsh: command not found: subtitle_modifier 

How can i solve this problem?我怎么解决这个问题?

Prefix your binary with ./ such as ./subtitle_modifier to invoke it from the current directory.在二进制文件前加上./前缀,例如./subtitle_modifier以从当前目录调用它。 Only writing the name assumes it is present in path, which in your case is not true.只写名字就假定它存在于路径中,在你的情况下是不正确的。

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