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Tcl - 如何获取给定 tcl 命令(包括用户定义的命令)的所有可能子命令/开关的列表

[英]Tcl - How to get the list of all possible sub-commands/switches for a given tcl command (including user defined commands)

For a given tcl user-defined command (for instance, "user_command -switch_A -switch_B") I would like to get all the possible sub-commands/switches to be used with that command as a list.对于给定的 tcl 用户定义命令(例如,“user_command -switch_A -switch_B”),我想获取所有可能的子命令/开关以作为列表与该命令一起使用。 Below is an example of the tcl regexp switches available: Regexp valid switches以下是可用的 tcl regexp 开关的示例: Regexp valid switches

I would like to use it to compare "implemented and public sub-commands/switches VS documented and public sub-commands/switches" for a given program.我想用它来比较给定程序的“已实现和公共子命令/开关 VS 已记录和公共子命令/开关”。

I can get the available commands from "info commands" command, but I'm struggling to get possible valid sub-commands/switches for a given command.我可以从“信息命令”命令中获取可用命令,但我正在努力为给定命令获取可能的有效子命令/开关。

The normal way is to use a deliberately wrong option name (such as -! ) and to catch and parse the result.正常的方法是使用故意错误的选项名称(例如-! )并捕获和解析结果。

proc listOptions args {
    try {
        {*}$args -!
    } on error msg {
        if {[regexp {should be one of (.*)} $msg -> items]} {
            return [string map {{, or } { } , {}} $items]
    error "no option list from $args"

puts [listOptions chan configure stdout]

To find subcommands for commands that are implemented as namespace ensemble s, you can do:要查找作为namespace ensemble实现的命令的子命令,您可以执行以下操作:

set cmd "string"
set map [namespace ensemble configure $cmd -map]
dict keys $map
# => bytelength cat compare equal first index is last length map match range repeat replace reverse tolower toupper totitle trim trimleft trimright wordend wordstart

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