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Pycharm 错误“进程已完成,退出代码为 -1”

[英]Pycharm error "Process finished with exit code -1"

Before the program has been running normally, after the cloud desktop is updated, all programs will stop with "Process finished with exit code -1".在程序一直正常运行之前,更新云桌面后,所有程序都会停止并显示“Process finished with exit code -1”。

I used a very simple output program for testing.我使用了一个非常简单的 output 程序进行测试。 It simply outputs numbers from 0 to 100000000, and it will end with the above statement, and the stop position is different every time.它只是简单地输出0到100000000之间的数字,它会以上面的语句结束,每次停止的position都不一样。

The test program I used is very simple, the program only has the following two lines.我用的测试程序很简单,程序只有下面两行。

for i in range(1000000000): print(i)对于范围内的我(1000000000):打印(i)

I am using pycharm software programming.我用的是pycharm软件编程。

The program was able to run normally before.之前程序是可以正常运行的。 Before and after the update of the cloud desktop, the program was not changed, the hardware and software of the server were not changed, and some hardware of the desktop was changed.云桌面更新前后,程序没有改动,服务器的软硬件没有改动,桌面的部分硬件有改动。 The original desktop had a GPU, but the current desktop does not.原始桌面有一个 GPU,但当前桌面没有。 But my program is only opened with pycharm on the desktop.但是我的程序在桌面上只用pycharm打开。 The program is running on the server.该程序正在服务器上运行。 In theory, it should still be able to run normally.理论上应该还是可以正常运行的。 Now, no matter what program is running, within one minute after running, it will end with "Process finished with exit code - 1" end.现在,无论运行什么程序,在运行后一分钟内,都会以“Process finished with exit code - 1”结束。

If I output 0-10 or other relatively small numbers, the program will end normally, but when the number is relatively large, "Process finished with exit code -1" will appear.如果我output 0-10或者其他比较小的数字,程序会正常结束,但是当数字比较大的时候,就会出现“Process finished with exit code -1”。 Some programs I want to run are also relatively For complicated ones, "exit code -1" will also appear有些我要运行的程序也比较复杂,也会出现“exit code -1”

There is also no problem with the.network connection between the desktop and the server.桌面和服务器之间的网络连接也没有问题。

I found the reason, because there is a problem with the.network connection between the desktop and the server, because the program is opened on the desktop and connected to the server through the.network, and runs on the server.找到原因了,是因为桌面和服务器的.network连接有问题,因为程序是在桌面打开,通过.network连接到服务器,在服务器上运行。 The.network would disconnect intermittently, causing the program to abort. The.network 会间歇性地断开连接,导致程序中止。

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