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CVXPY 中的条件约束

[英]Constraints with condition in CVXPY

I want to add constraints like this:我想添加这样的约束:

constraint = cp.sum(cp.multiply(x, a)) > 10 if x*a != 0

where x is decision variable and a is constant.其中x是决策变量,a 是常数。 I know if condition and chain constraints are not allowed.我知道if不允许条件和链约束。 But how can I implement this condition?但是我怎样才能实现这个条件呢?

I also report a issue for csxpy in github .我还在 github 中报告了csxpy的问题。

That can be implemented linearly by considering y=a*x to be semi-continuous .这可以通过将y=a*x视为半连续来线性实现。

 y = a*x
 10*δ ≤ y ≤ 9999*δ
 δ ∈ {0,1} 

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