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由“添加、修改或删除行时”触发的 Power Automate 流未触发

[英]Power Automate flow triggerede by "When a row is added, modified or deleted" not triggered

I'm new to Microsoft CRM and Power Automate.我是 Microsoft CRM 和 Power Automate 的新手。 I'm trying to implement the Quote approval process.我正在尝试实施报价批准流程。

As the first step, I tried to create a simple workflow to trigger when a Quote item is saved/modified using Dataverse 'When a row is added, modified or deleted'.作为第一步,我尝试创建一个简单的工作流,以便在使用 Dataverse“添加、修改或删除行时”保存/修改报价项目时触发。 So, I have studied many online tutorials and done workflow very simple to send an email when a Quote item is saved/modified.因此,我研究了许多在线教程并完成了非常简单的工作流程,即在保存/修改报价项目时发送 email。

Problem is, It's actually not triggered with any action on the Quote page.问题是,它实际上并没有被报价页面上的任何操作触发。 Already spend a couple of days to figure out the issue.已经花了几天时间来弄清楚这个问题。

This is how I tested it.这就是我测试它的方式。

Step 01 - Save and test manually test flow步骤 01 - 手动保存并测试测试流程在此处输入图像描述

Step 02 - insert a new item to Quote or modify the existing item.步骤 02 - 插入一个新项目以报价或修改现有项目。


But nothing happens.但是没有任何反应。

Items you add to the Quote are in fact Quote Product records.您添加到报价单的项目实际上是报价单产品记录。 This is a separate table named quotedetail .这是一个名为quotedetail的单独表。

Your Power Automate flow needs to target the Quote Products table to capture the intended changes.您的 Power Automate 流需要以 Quote Products 表为目标以捕获预期的更改。

The reason was Administrative mode.原因是管理模式。

Administrative mode disables all asynchronous processes.管理模式禁用所有异步进程。 This includes server-side sync (email synchronization) and workflow processes including flow (Power Automate).这包括服务器端同步(电子邮件同步)和工作流流程(Power Automate)。

https://functionalthoughts.com/microsoft-dynamics-365-managing-admin-mode-from-power-platform/ https://functionalthoughts.com/microsoft-dynamics-365-managing-admin-mode-from-power-platform/

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