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AJAX 对 PHP 服务器的 POST 请求:控制台上的无效请求(格式错误的 HTTP 请求)和 .net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE 上的 chrome 开发工具

[英]AJAX POST request to a PHP server: Invalid request (Malformed HTTP request) on console and net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on chrome dev tools

I have the files test.html , test.js and test.php in my directory.我的目录中有文件test.htmltest.jstest.php I am trying to send some data to my backend, which should be dealt with by test.php .我正在尝试将一些数据发送到我的后端,这应该由test.php处理。 I run my server using PHP's built-in webserver with the command php -S -t test-server/ .我使用 PHP 的内置网络服务器运行我的服务器,命令php -S -t test-server/

Here's a simplified demonstration, whenever I click "submit", it should send the data to my php server.这是一个简化的演示,每当我点击“提交”时,它应该将数据发送到我的 php 服务器。 The JS:脚本:

window.onload = () => {
    submit = document.getElementById('submit');
    submit.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhttp.onload = function() {
        xhttp.open("test.php", "POST", true);
        xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
        var data = {'name':'foo'};

And here's my PHP:这是我的 PHP:

    echo "foo";

However, the data isn't being sent, and the xhttp.onload never works.但是,数据没有被发送,并且xhttp.onload永远不会工作。 The error Invalid request (Malformed HTTP request) shows up on my server and the error net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE pops up in chrome's developer tools.错误Invalid request (Malformed HTTP request)出现在我的服务器上,错误net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE弹出在 chrome 的开发人员工具中。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

The xhttp.open uses this signature: xhttp.open 使用这个签名:

open(method, url, async, user, password)

You just inversed method and url in your call.您只是在调用中反转了方法和 url。

More informations: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/open更多信息: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/open

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